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MMA using lilypond syntax/style

From: Stjepan Horvat
Subject: MMA using lilypond syntax/style
Date: Sat, 13 Jun 2015 21:07:41 +0200

Hi guys..
The other day i was trying to practice jazz improvisation on linux.
I was searching for a simple/fast working software that would help me practice.
I found about MMA and it is cool - text based, midi output/export


it wasn't so clean regarding "musicly writing" speaking.
So i had this tought.
Lilypond has a great syntax and has also midi output/export.
Has somebody tried doing something with it?

I onced tried to write a complete pop song with lilypond and I was literally sweating.
Idea behind the MMA is great.
When you write a groove you define the drum parts, groove.
And then you say use this groove. For example:

use 44
Tempo 120

Groove Main
1 Gsus/C G/B
2 Gm/Bb Ab
3 C/E Eb
Groove Fill
4 Cm Dm address@hidden

Has someone use a combination of variables and scheme to do such a thing?
What do you think about the idea?

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