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Re: Controlling hairpin length

From: Thomas Morley
Subject: Re: Controlling hairpin length
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 2016 13:27:26 +0100

2016-01-21 16:54 GMT+01:00 David Sumbler <address@hidden>:

> Unfortunately I am still getting some over-long hairpins.  I think that
> perhaps this has nothing to do with myHairpinMinimumLength, because I
> was getting these long hairpins before you ever sent it to me - this is
> one of the reasons I was going to set about tweaking hairpin lengths in
> the piece.
> The 2 bars I quoted before are:
> % bar 14
>         g8\< a b cs( ~ cs\mf\> b) d,\mp cs |
>         g8\< g a g fs4\mf\> r\invP |
>         d8\< e fs e as,(\mf\> b) r4\invP |
>         e2\< d4\mf\> fs8(-\ten\mp fs)-\ten |
> % bar 15
>         b8 cs\< d e fs-\ten\> fs\! e d \time 3/2 |
>         b,8\mp as\< b cs as-\ten\> b\! r4 \time 3/2 |
>         r2 cs8-\ten\mf\> b\! r4 \time 3/2 |
>         g8 e\< fs e fs-\ten\> d\! r4 \time 3/2 |
> This is in \parallelMusic for a string quartet.

If I compile it with the following code, without(!!) any override I
get the attached image.

\parallelMusic #'(E F G H) {
% bar 14
        g8\< a b cs( ~ cs\mf\> b) d,\mp cs |
        g8\< g a g fs4\mf\> r\invP |
        d8\< e fs e as,(\mf\> b) r4\invP |
        e2\< d4\mf\> fs8(-\ten\mp fs)-\ten |
% bar 15
        b8 cs\< d e fs-\ten\> fs\! e d \time 3/2 |
        b,8\mp as\< b cs as-\ten\> b\! r4 \time 3/2 |
        r2 cs8-\ten\mf\> b\! r4 \time 3/2 |
        g8 e\< fs e fs-\ten\> d\! r4 \time 3/2 |

\new StaffGroup <<
  \new Staff \E
  \new Staff \F
  \new Staff \G
  \new Staff \H

\new Staff \E
\new Staff \F
\new Staff \G
\new Staff \H

Ofcourse there are some too short Hairpins, but I can't see any too long.

Nevertheless I changed `my-hairpin-minimum-length' to

#(define (my-hairpin-minimum-length grob)
"Sets @code{minimum-length} for @code{Hairpin}, if their left bound is not the
The visible length is actually the one, specified by an additional override for
@code{minimum-length} or the default.
If left bound is @code{NoteColumn}, default or specified @code{minimum-length}
will take over."
  (let* ((bound-left (ly:spanner-bound grob LEFT))
         (bound-right (ly:spanner-bound grob RIGHT))
         (sys (look-up-for-parent 'System Y grob))
         (left-x-ext (ly:grob-extent bound-left sys X))
           (lambda (g)
             (not (and (ly:grob? g)
                       (grob::has-interface g 'note-column-interface))))))
     (if (and (not-note-column? bound-left)
              (interval-sane? left-x-ext)
              (> (abs (cdr left-x-ext))
                 (ly:grob-property-data grob 'minimum-length)))
         (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'minimum-length
              (ly:grob-property-data grob 'minimum-length)
              (* (if (not-note-column? bound-right) 2 1) (cdr left-x-ext)))))))

Applying it as before I get the second attached png.

Looks quite ok to me.
Though please be aware, all I can do is to provide a more or less
workable work around issue 2207.

There are a lot of things which determine actual Hairpin length.
I doubt I can reasonable cover them.

I think you should do
\revert Hairpin.before-line-breaking
in cases where `myHairpinMinimumLength' doesn't return acceptable
results and tweak manually.


Attachment: hairpin-minimum-length-02.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: hairpin-minimum-length-02-tweaked.png
Description: PNG image

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