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Re: Horizontal spacing - choir

From: Noeck
Subject: Re: Horizontal spacing - choir
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 2016 21:32:02 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/38.5.1

Hi Carl-Hendrik,

please use the code I sent you, because it works here, I tested it. If
you then want to put it elsewhere or change things, do it step by step
to see which step fails.

Does this minimal example work for you?

{ a a a a }
\addlyrics { A B C D }

\layout {
  \override Lyrics.LyricText.font-name = "Arial"
  \override Lyrics.LyricText.font-size = -1

Possible problems are:
- Did you forget the 'Lyrics.' part?
- You need a string, so either #"fontname" or "fontname"
- Sometimes it is difficult to find the correct font name
Try with an easy name of a font that you know is installed on your
computer. For example: the font Century Schoolbook is not just called
like this, but rather "Century Schoolbook L". Or I often use Linux
Libertine which is called "Linux Libertine O"

> Regardless of font, how to make the font size smaller?

Have you seen my mail?


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