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Re: Replying to posts

From: Martin Tarenskeen
Subject: Re: Replying to posts
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2016 13:44:39 +0200 (CEST)
User-agent: Alpine 2.20 (LFD 67 2015-01-07)

On Wed, 27 Apr 2016, David Kastrup wrote:

Looks like I'm no longer welcome on this list.  I'll unsubscribe and
leave it to the people who understand the medium better.

I assume that I'm more welcome on the developer list.  People there are
more likely to get along with conveying messages using text.

Don't let a handful of over-sensitive people upset you.
And the other way around I also want to ask them: don't let people like David Kastrup upset you either.

I'm assuming that the majority of readers of this mailing-list couldn't care less what mailclient everyone is using, if their mail is html formatted or plain text, if we should top-post or not, etc.

The majority of readers of this mailinglist just wants to discuss the usage of LilyPond. That's why this list is called "lilypond-user". Everyone who has valid questions, sensible answers, or interesting stories around this subject is more than welcome. And David fits this description perfectly. So please don't unsubscribe.


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