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Re: vertical spacing of included file

From: bart deruyter
Subject: Re: vertical spacing of included file
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2016 16:22:28 +0200

hi all,

I think I've found a possible solution by using \bookpart anyway. I've separated the content even more and put the \score in original_file in a variable \Music. Then I make a second file with an include of the, naming it and by adding \Music I have a standalone score.

In the master-document I do this:

\include ""
\paper {
\paper {
    system-system-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 1) (padding . 2))

and that seems to work, for this larger file

Sadly enough including within the bookpart does not work. It throws errors saying it can't find other files, included in the original file.

This does make it quite complicated because i also have very short etudes by Sagreras (one line for an etude), hence my reluctance to use \bookpart.

I could do this:

\include ""
\include ""
\include ""


but obviously I can't use same variable name each time. 

If the include would have worked inside the \bookpart block, like this:

include ""
\include ""
\include ""

it could have worked. 
Lilypond reads top down anyway, the variable \Music would have been redefined by the next include.

In other words, I'm still open for suggestions :-)


2016-10-07 14:45 GMT+02:00 bart deruyter <address@hidden>:
Hi all,

back to my book of etudes, I've encountered an issue with vertical spacing. 

The standalone .ly file renders the score perfectly well on one page, without a pagecount setting, I even increased the system-system-spacing in the paper block, to spread it more evenly over the page.
The margins are set to 2.5

When included in the, let's call it 'master-file', the score is split over two pages, with a big amount of whitespace. The margins in the master file are even set lower, to 2.

There is a \pageBreak before the include, to be sure it starts at a new page, and there is a \pageBreak after the include, to make sure the next etude starts on the following page. Switching it to \pageTurn has no effect at all.

Like this: 


\markup {F. Carulli - \italic {Opus 333 - Etude 7}}
\include "../Carulli/Carulli - opus 333 etude"


I find a lot of explanation about within system spacing, and setting spacing in the \paper block.

In this case the vertical spacing is a system-system spacing and changing it in the \paper block has no use, because when included it is overridden by the 'master-file'.

Using a 'bookpart' is not my favorite, because it limits the use of the standalone .ly files that are to be included. I've got several other pieces and wrapping them in bookparts would create way too much whitespace for each individual piece.

Any ideas on how to control vertical spacing more accurately, more precisely, for a specific included file in a master-document?


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