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Coloring broken in Lily 2.19.51?

From: Hans Aikema
Subject: Coloring broken in Lily 2.19.51?
Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2016 13:18:15 +0100


Anyone else using coloring in scores, using lilypond unstable and spotting 
coloring-issues when generating scores?

I spotted a horrible output for a score I created for beamer in our church 
service and upon futher inspection it appears caused by only partial coloring 
of the score from black to white: some barlines / stems were still in black and 
from the looks of it the ouline of the Lyric font is consistently black 
(filling is white; in 2.19.49 both appear to be white at first glance)

For recoloring the score I use the following LSR snippet:

I’ll try to compose a minimal example showing the erratice behavior, but am 
curious if others are seeing the same.

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