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Re: lyLuaTeX problems I fail to resolve

From: Urs Liska
Subject: Re: lyLuaTeX problems I fail to resolve
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2018 22:13:03 +0000

30. Juli 2018 23:42, address@hidden schrieb:

> This is seemingly the forum where lyLuaTeX questions are answered.

If they're answerable, then yes.
Sorry that you seem to stumble over me all over the place, but actually this 
list should be your first point of contact. If it turns out a specific issue 
needs feedback from others it's still possible to redirect questions elsewhere.

> 1) I cannot figure out how to get ticz to work to draw a circle of fifths. I 
> have no problem
> creating it in Standard LaTeX, but it seems lots of LaTeX standard calls dont 
> work in lyLuaTex.
> Or is this a question for the luatex forum ?

It is not possible to assess this question without examples. 
In general TikZ doesn't have anything to do with lyluatex.
Are you trying to use lyluatex commands as part of a TikZ image?

Please try to boil down your code to the smallest reasonable example that 
doesn't include unrelated stuff and still exposes your problem.

> 2) Am I right to claim that if any code works in LuaTeX then it will work in 
> lyLuaTeX ?

Hm, basically yes, but the wording of your question is somewhat confusing.
lyluatex is a *package* that *adds* some functionality to documents that are 
compiled wtih LuaLaTeX.
I think the term "in lyluatex" is some misconception. "in lyluatex" is 
something completely different from "in pdflatex" or "in lualatex".

Well, since lyluatex just *adds* functionality a document that can be compiled 
with LuaLaTeX should also work when lyluatex is added. If not it's probably a 
(hopefully documented) limitation or a bug (presumably in lyluatex).

> If there are exceptions, what are they ?

I'm not aware of any.

> 3) How many document classes are there in lyluatex ?
> I could only find one.

lyluatex in itself does have *no* document classes, just a *package* 
(lyluatex.sty). In the repository or the CTAN package there is a document class 
used to compile the *manual*, but this doesn't have anything to do with *using* 
lyluatex in your own documents.

> 4) Can you use amsmathpackage with lyLuaTeX?
> I tried, but I get a theorem error.
> I need the ams packages as I write mathematical music documents.
> Is mathematics at all supported in lyLuaTeX ?

I have no idea. We have never tried to explicitly support mathematics.
I can well imagine that there are conflicts with math mode, but you should 
provide some examples of what you are trying to achieve. Then we can figure out 
whether its faulty input, a conceptual limitation that should be documented, a 
feature request or a bug.


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