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Re: Extend Whiteout property

From: Urs Liska
Subject: Re: Extend Whiteout property
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2018 22:49:56 +0200
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Hi Lukas-Fabian,

Am 10.09.2018 um 18:23 schrieb Lukas-Fabian Moser:

What you can do now is
  • fork this repository
  • register the fork and the main Github repository as "remotes" in your local repository (I suggest to name them "github" and "<insert-your-github-username>" if you have the Savannah repository as "origin")
  • create a branch for your path
  • commit
  • push to your fork
  • create a Pull Request on Github
  • tell us here about it because we won't be automatically notified about it.

That way anyone can look at your code, and you should be able to refine the code together with others.
At some point you may then do the required registrations and upload your patch for review (as per LilyPond's Contributrs' Guide), or you may ask someone else to "sheperd" your patch through the review process.

Thanks much for the step-by-step description!

You're welcome. I wasn't in the situation to do an actual description at the time, but you seem to have managed going through the outline yourself :-)

I think I managed to follow it through, now. (I admit I was a bit shocked by my own courage after reading the line " wants to merge 1 commit into from

Yes, that's the point of "pull requests" (or "merge requests" as they are named in some other systems).

That's correct too, actually there are even two layers in play here: as you noticed it's not the real repository but "only" a mirror, *and* you don't have any privileges even on that mirror. You have created a "fork", which is yet another mirror, but on Github itself. In that mirror you can do what you want, but merging anything into the "lilypond" repository would only be possible for someone with "push access" to that repository.

AFAICS you didn't mess up, the pull request looks like a pull request should look like (I'm not speaking about the code itself, I have no idea about that).

So it would be nice if someone with the C++ knowledge could have a look at and comment on it there.
Note: the goal is not to merge the branch into the Github mirror but only to provide review. Once there is agreement on the code someone should sheperd the patch through the regular review process.


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