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Re: Write something in the music and place in in Lyrics-like context?

From: David Kastrup
Subject: Re: Write something in the music and place in in Lyrics-like context?
Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2018 17:50:39 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/27.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Urs Liska <address@hidden> writes:

> Hi,
> there's something that has been on my mind for quite some time, and
> I'd like to get some feedback if this would be possible to have (or if
> it actually already *is* available somehow).
> I would like to create some new contexts to hold material like
> analysis symbols and the like (the same would be useful for an
> alternative approach to bass figures).
> Basically these would have to be similar to lyrics in so far as their
> items are aligned to notes, should be printed on a common baseline
> (i.e. not directly attached to the staff objects), and there should be
> the option of several layers, like stanzas (e.g. to provide symbols in
> different systems or to reflect sections in different keys etc.)
> But I would like to have the option to encode these items not in a
> separate variable but along with the music itself. For some use cases
> (or users' mindsets) it would be much more straightforward to encode,
> say, a bass figure directly along with the note it refers to instead
> of having to use potentially large numbers of spacer rests to push
> them to the right position. Something like
>     c'4 -\fig <3 4 6+>
> or
>     c'4 -\analysis "D79>"
> Of course the syntax of these commands is irrelevant at the
> moment. But the idea is: would it be possible to write something like
> such a function and have the resulting element either
> - be injected/projected/whatever to a separate "lyrics" context, or
> - have it printed in a way that is consistent with how such separate
> contexts would behave with regard to staff spacing etc.
> ?

Well, you can always do
\context Lyrics = "analysis" \lyricmode { "D79>" 1*0 }
before material in some other context.  Of course you'll want some
"analysis" context placed in parallel that is kept alive with a suitably
long \skip for that purpose.

David Kastrup

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