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Re: Another question about two voices

From: Klaus Ethgen
Subject: Re: Another question about two voices
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2019 21:25:50 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.10.1 (2018-07-13)

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Am Mo den  4. Feb 2019 um  2:50 schrieb Ivan Kuznetsov:
> Would you post an example that compiles successfully ?

Sure, why not.

I had to tweak a few thinks. The most remarkable is, that I had to note
the same different for the guitar tab and for the staff. With the
original solution I had not all tab notes noted. That does not seams to
work with multiple voices.

The second is that I had to note a separate part for cords only with as
large than possible chords (2.) to not influence the size of the staffs.

\version "2.18.2"
\include ""
\language "deutsch"

   title = "Der kleine Troll"

global =
   \key c \major
   \time 3/4

chordNamesChords = \chordmode
   \set chordChanges = ##t
   \set chordNameLowercaseMinor = ##t
   d2. g a d g d a d
   \repeat volta 2
      d2. g e:m a a d

classicalGuitar = \transpose c d \relative c
   c4 d8 e g g | a4 g8 f e4 | d e f | g2 r4 | \break
   a4 a8 g f4 | g e c | d e d | c2 r4 | \break
   \repeat volta 2
         { \voiceOne e4 f g | a4. g8 f e | f4. e8 d c | d2 }
         \new Voice { \easyHeadsOn \voiceTwo c4 d e | f4. e8 d c | d4. c8 h a | 
h2 }
      \oneVoice r4 |
         { \voiceOne e4 f g | e2 }
         \new Voice { \easyHeadsOn \voiceTwo c4 d h | c2 }
      \oneVoice r4

classicalGuitarTab = \transpose c d \relative c
   c4 d8 e g g | a4 g8 f e4 | d e f | g2 r4 | \break
   a4 a8 g f4 | g e c | d e d | c2 r4 | \break
   \repeat volta 2
      <e c>4 <f d> <g e> | <a f>4. <g e>8 <f d> <e c> | <f d>4. <e c>8 <d h> <c 
a> | <d h>2 r4 | <e c>4 <f d> <g h,> | <e c>2 r4

tenorSax = \transpose b, c' \transpose c d \relative c
   \transposition b,
   c4 d8 e g g | a4 g8 f e4 | d e f | g2 r4 | \break
   a4 a8 g f4 | g e c | d e d | c2 r4 | \break
   \repeat volta 2
         { \voiceOne e4 f g | a4. g8 f e | f4. e8 d c | d2 }
         \new Voice { \easyHeadsOn \voiceTwo c4 d e | f4. e8 d c | d4. c8 h a | 
h2 }
      \oneVoice r4 |
         { \voiceOne e4 f g | e2 }
         \new Voice { \easyHeadsOn \voiceTwo c4 d h | c2 }
      \oneVoice r4

verseOne = \lyricmode
   \set stanza = "1."
   Steigt so ein klei -- ner Troll von dem Fjell, nä -- her sich leis',
   hat in der Hand He -- xen -- kraut, was nie -- mand weiß.
   \set stanza = "Ref."
      { Sitzt du am Feu -- er und die Lie -- der sind ver -- weht, dann bleib 
ganz stumm, }
      \new Lyrics
         \set associatedVoice = "noten"
         denn in dem Land, das Dich um -- gibt, ist was er -- wacht und 
schleicht he -- rum.

verseTwo = \lyricmode
   \set stanza = "2."
   Plötz -- lich in Dei -- nem Nac -- ken spürst Du eis -- kal -- ten Hauch,
   A -- tem des Trolls trifft Dich wie gif -- ti -- ger Rauch.

verseThree = \lyricmode
   \set stanza = "3."
   Du führst den Be -- cher Tee nun zum Mund, was zau -- derst Du?
   Blü -- ten -- staub im Zau -- ber -- trank raubt Dir die Ruh.

verseFour = \lyricmode
   \set stanza = "4."
   Wenn Du in die -- ser Nacht Dei -- nen Schlaf fin -- dest nicht mehr,
   der klei -- ne Troll macht uns -- re Träu -- me so schwer.

chordsPart =
   \new ChordNames \chordNamesChords
   \new FretBoards \chordNamesChords

classicalGuitarPart = \new StaffGroup \with
   \consists "Instrument_name_engraver"
   instrumentName = "Gitarre"
   \new Staff \with { midiInstrument = "acoustic guitar (nylon)" }
      \clef "treble_8"
      \new Voice = "noten"
   \new TabStaff \with { stringTunings = #guitar-tuning }

tenorSaxPart = \new Staff \with
   instrumentName = "Tenorsax"
   midiInstrument = "tenor sax"

leadSheetPart =
   \new ChoirStaff
      \new Lyrics \lyricsto "noten" { \verseOne }
      \new Lyrics \lyricsto "noten" { \verseTwo }
      \new Lyrics \lyricsto "noten" { \verseThree }
      \new Lyrics \lyricsto "noten" { \verseFour }

      \tempo 4=130

- -- 
Klaus Ethgen                             
pub  4096R/4E20AF1C 2011-05-16            Klaus Ethgen <address@hidden>
Fingerprint: 85D4 CA42 952C 949B 1753  62B3 79D0 B06F 4E20 AF1C
Comment: Charset: ISO-8859-1


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