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Re: Scheme Book

From: Urs Liska
Subject: Re: Scheme Book
Date: Sat, 01 Feb 2020 00:27:06 +0100
User-agent: Evolution 3.34.1-3

Am Freitag, den 31.01.2020, 17:48 -0500 schrieb Freeman Gilmore:
I use the old 19"  at 75% I See all   If you remove the menu on the right it should work it is the same as the on the left in size 

OK, I think I understand the issue, which is a result of the responsive CSS design. And I see both your problem and the rationale behind the design decision of that documentation theme.

I attach screenshots from the home page because that has both TOCs on the left and on the right.

Screenshot 01 shows the narrowest state where the columns are displayed side-by-side. The main navigation is in the left column, the content in the center, and the TOC of the current page is in the right column.

If the screen width is reduced, the left-hand navigation is collapsed to the three-dash menu version, which has to be explicitly opened. The right column is still visible in that state.
The rationale here is probably that you need the right-hand TOC for the navigation on the current page, while finding *another* page is an explicit act. Also, when you read through to the end of the page you'll have the previous/next navigation.

Only when the screen gets even smaller (like on mobile phones) the right hand TOC is removed completely. Which is OK because in the end this is only a convenience function.

So I can see your problem, but after closer inspection I'd say the rationale of the design is pretty solid, and I don't feel like I should change anything.


On Fri, Jan 31, 2020 at 4:50 PM Urs Liska <address@hidden> wrote:
Am Freitag, den 31.01.2020, 22:42 +0100 schrieb Urs Liska:
Am Freitag, den 31.01.2020, 16:02 -0500 schrieb Freeman Gilmore:
I see it is a different book now,    I do like the original index all being open it is easier to navigate seeing all by just scrolling

One more question: Where do you look at the website? If you have a small width screen like on a mobile phone the responsive design will collapse the navigation to a rather condensed version, while on a wide (computer) screen you do have quite a lot of TOC in the left column.

The problem with the original approach is that it will absolutely not work anymore when more pages will be added. Therefore some more folded structure was needed.

However, I see how a complete table of contents, or a sitemap would be a good idea, with a link pointing to it from every page.

BTW    I am at Top-level Bindings
#(define f9!^¡ "What is this?")
  c'1 \mark #f9!^¡
Does not work unless the # is removed
  c'1 \mark f9!^¡
Does work.

This is something I can't reproduce. What LilyPond version are you using? I've installed 2.18.2 right now, just to check whether this might be one of the things that have changed, but it compiles with both 2.18 and 2.19.


Thank you.

On Fri, Jan 31, 2020 at 2:57 PM Urs Liska <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi Freeman,

Am 31. Januar 2020 20:35:21 MEZ schrieb Freeman Gilmore <
>I was reading the Scheme Book.

It's not really clear what you are talking about. But if you refer to ...

> It had a index of ALL the chapters on
>lift side which made it  ez go back and forth between chapters.  I do
>know how to get the index back.    All i did was reopen the book.
> Does any one know how to get the index back?   Using Windows 10.

... then the "issue" is that I have changed the book to a different site generator just today. The new website's navigation doesn't fully lend itself to the existing organization of the content, so I'll have to do some review. But it will soon be better than ever before ;-)


>Thank you,

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