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Re: figured bass in staff context

From: Urs Liska
Subject: Re: figured bass in staff context
Date: Sun, 08 Mar 2020 16:46:48 +0100
User-agent: Evolution 3.34.1-4

Hi Derek,

great to see you took immediate action (both in terms of that file and for subscribing) :-)

Well, the remainder of my comments has been short-circuited by Lukas ;-), and I'm happy to see that also someone else has laready chimed in (to prove my point of the helpful community ...)

One additional tip is also about code layout:

It is usually a good idea to write only one measure per line, which improves readability and also will greatly improve the "targetting" of Git commits, like so:

left = \relative c {
  a cis e | 
  a8. b16 a8 | 
  e cis e a16 b cis8 r8 |
  a, cis e | 
  a8. b16 a8 

Or even more extreme, giving generous space to make stuff even more readable. Note that at one point I start to add barnumber comments, which is of course not necessary but may be taken as an additional reading aid.
Another useful pattern is spelling out all groups over indented lines as I did with the tuplets (although in such short snippets it may be skipped).
  e cis e a16 b cis8 r8
  gis a dis,_"(a)" 
  | %8
  e4 e,8 gis'8 
  | %9
  a gis \tuplet 2/3 { 
    fis8 e 

and have fun (and hopefully not too much obstacles)

Am Sonntag, den 08.03.2020, 14:43 +0100 schrieb Derek Remeš:

I’m a new user as of today. I’ve input my first score in LilyPond today (a Telemann song) and I can’t figure out how to enter the figured bass directly into the staff context, as described here because I’ve used Frescobaldi’s template, which has a different setup. The problem is that the alignment is off (all single figures should be one level lower). Unfortunately I don’t know how to make a tiny example of this.

I’m also trying to figure out the best way of entering and translating Telemann’s text at the bottom. A footnote, header, or something else?

Many thanks in advance.

Best wishes,

Derek Remeš

Derek Remeš
Dozent für Musiktheorie an der Hochschule Luzern - Musik
(Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts)
Editor-in-chief of the journal Music Theory and Analysis
Doktorand an der Hochschule für Musik Freiburg
Telefon: +41(0)784223906

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