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Lilypond svg output to stdout?

From: Marcel Aartsen
Subject: Lilypond svg output to stdout?
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2020 21:58:28 +0200
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As the subject says, I would like to have Lilypond output svg to stdout.
Can it be done? How do I do that?

Some background: I am developing an online course in Open edX [1], and
for that course I am writing an XBlock [2]. This means that the user on
the front end triggers a request that is processed by some server-side
Python code that, in my case, in turn calls Lilypond. Lilypond's output
is ultimately on the front end to be displayed in html, so I figured
that svg output would be best. And I reckon that it will be
unnecessarily cumbersome and slow to let Lilypond write to file and then
let the Python code read that file back from disk.

Any ideas to output Lilypond's svg to stdout? Or better alternatives?


[1] Open edX is an open source learning platform
(like e.g. Moodle) developed by MIT and Harvard

[2] XBlocks
are Python libraries used to provide custom course units for learners
and instructors on the Open edX platform.

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