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Re: cheap-list

From: Aaron Hill
Subject: Re: cheap-list
Date: Thu, 07 May 2020 18:09:04 -0700
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/1.4.2

On 2020-05-07 4:52 pm, Freeman Gilmore wrote:
Aaron, thank you; but i do not have a clue.   Were can I read about
this?   Google is no help.

Seeing as cheap-list? in this context is a LilyPond invention, it is unsurprising there is little information online. I use DuckDuckGo, but a search for "scheme cheap-list? predicate" only yields relevant results that point to the LilyPond documentation. And aside from the source code itself, the only documentation on cheap-list? is the comment in the Notation Reference regarding its improved performance over the standard list? predicate.

Understanding why cheap-list? works requires recalling how lists are defined and represented in Scheme. A list is either a special value known as the empty list (which can be tested for with null?) or a pair whose second part ("cdr") is itself a list. That means list? would have the following recursive implementation:

(define (list? x)
  (or (null? x)
      (and (pair? x)
           (list? (cdr x)))))

Compare that to cheap-list? which does not recur:

(define (cheap-list? x)
   (or (null? x)
       (pair? x)))

If a list being tested has many elements, cheap-list? can return success much faster than list? would. However, cheap-list? does not assert the value tested is, in fact, a proper list:

(list? '(1 . 2))
=> #f
(cheap-list? '(1 . 2))
=> #t

-- Aaron Hill

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