\markup {"Simple \appendToTag with {}"} \version "2.23.2" music = {c'1 \tag #'here {} c''1} {\music} {\appendToTag #'here g'1 \music} {\pushToTag #'here g'1 \music} {\appendToTag #'here {e'4 f' g' a'} \music} {\pushToTag #'here {e'4 f' g' a'} \music} \markup {"Nested \appendToTag with {}"} \version "2.23.2" music = {c'1 \tag #'here {} c''1} {\music} {\appendToTag #'here d'4 \appendToTag #'here e'4 \appendToTag #'here f'4 \appendToTag #'here g' \music} {\pushToTag #'here d'4 \pushToTag #'here e'4 \pushToTag #'here f'4 \pushToTag #'here g' \music} \markup {"\appendToTag with {} and multiple different tag"} \version "2.23.2" music = {c'4 d' e' f' \tag #'firstLocation {} g' a' b' c'' \tag #'secondLocation {} } {\music} {\appendToTag #'secondLocation {d''2 e''} \appendToTag #'firstLocation {g'4 f' g' f'} \music} \markup {"\appendToTag with {} and multiple equal tag"} \version "2.23.2" music = {c'4 d' e' f' \tag #'firstLocation {} g' a' b' c'' \tag #'firstLocation {} b' a' g' f' \tag #'firstLocation {} } {\music} {\appendToTag #'firstLocation {g'2 r} \music} % I don't see any good reason to use the following. % It mix different things making everything a bit more complex % to understand withouth any advantage (imho). % That's why I'm not sure it makes sense to show it. \markup {"\appendToTag with {some music}"} \version "2.23.2" music = {c'1 \tag #'here {d'2 e'} c''1} {\music} {\pushToTag #'here {f'4 g' a' b'} \music} {\appendToTag #'here {f'4 g' a' b'} \music} \markup {"\appendToTag with <>"} \version "2.23.2" music = {c'1 \tag #'here <> c''1} {\music} {\appendToTag #'here e'1 \music} {\pushToTag #'here e'1 \music} \markup {"nested \appendToTag with <>"} \version "2.23.2" music = {c'1 \tag #'here <> c''1} {\music} {\appendToTag #'here e'1 \appendToTag #'here g'1 \appendToTag #'here b'1 \music} {\pushToTag #'here e'1 \pushToTag #'here g'1 \pushToTag #'here b'1 \music} % {\appendToTag #'here 1 \music} % Doesn't work. Adding a chord to a chord is not defined/allowed % {\appendToTag #'here {e'1 g'1 b'1} \music} % Doesn't work. Adding a compound music expression to a chord not defined/allowed \markup {"\appendToTag with "} \version "2.23.2" music = {c'1 \tag #'here 1 c''1} {\music} {\appendToTag #'here g'1 \appendToTag #'here b'1 \music} % {\appendToTag #'here g'4 \music} % Doesn't work. Adding a 4 duration note to a 1 duration chord is not defined/allowed \markup {"\appendToTag with 'multiple' <>"} \version "2.23.2" music = {\tag #'here 4 \tag #'here \tag #'here \tag #'here <>} {\music} {\appendToTag #'here b'4 \appendToTag #'here d''4 \music}