\version "2.19" % By harm #(define (general-column align-dir baseline mols) (let* ((aligned-mols (map (lambda (x) (ly:stencil-aligned-to x X align-dir)) mols))) (stack-lines -1 0.0 baseline aligned-mols))) #(define-markup-command (wordwrap-right layout props args) (markup-list?) (general-column RIGHT 2.5 (wordwrap-internal-markup-list layout props #f args))) #(define-markup-command (number-fromproperty layout props digits symbol) (index? symbol?) (let ((n (chain-assoc-get symbol props))) (if (index? n) (interpret-markup layout props (markup (format #f (string-append "~" (number->string digits) ",'0d") n))) empty-stencil))) #(define-markup-command (wordwrap-right-field layout props symbol) (symbol?) (let* ((m (chain-assoc-get symbol props))) (if (markup-list? m) (wordwrap-right-markup layout props m) empty-stencil))) \paper { scoreTitleMarkup = \markup { \fill-line { \line { \fontsize #7 \number-fromproperty #3 #'header:piece-nr \hspace #1 \normal-text \large \fromproperty #'header:piece-title } \general-align #Y #DOWN \italic \small \override #'(line-width . 50) \wordwrap-right-field #'header:infotext } } } \paper { indent = 0 } \score { \header { piece-nr = 0 piece-title = "Gottes Sohn ist kommen" infotext = \markuplist { This paragraph is in two or more rows, and the last line needs to be level with the bit on the left. It really can be as long as you want. } } \relative c' { c1 c e f g a g } } \score { \header { piece-nr = 1 piece-title = "Another piece" infotext = \markuplist { This paragraph is in two or more rows, and the last line needs to be level with the bit on the left. It really can be as long as you want. Bla bla text, bla bla text? Really important bla bla text, bla bla text. } } \relative g' { g2 f e c d b c1 } }