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Re: A challenging music transformation...

From: Craig Comstock
Subject: Re: A challenging music transformation...
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2021 17:59:59 -0500

Maybe check this thread out. It mostly worked for me but I think your problem if solved will help me even more!

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 25, 2021, at 5:47 PM, David Kastrup <> wrote:

Gordon Bower <> writes:

In a nutshell, I would like to write a function that would let me replace a
given note or chord with a different chord -- I might have a table of what
gets replaced with what -- but leave all the articulations the same.

Am I missing something obvious?

The \addNote snippet does something similar - except that there isn't a
convenient way to delete the original note after the replacements are added.

The \changePitch snippet also does something similar. (But I am envision a
chord-by-chord replacement of a whole line.)

My own efforts at trying to make sense of how music-map or map-some-music
work have *cough* not been going well. Would be nice not to completely
reinvent a wheel here.

If I do have to write it myself: I think I could figure out how to extract
a list of pitches in all the NoteEvents in a chord, and push new NoteEvents
to the chord - but I don't have much grasp as to how I replace a single
note by a chord.

(Why would I want to do this? I am trying to write a function that turns
the written notes of the accordion's left hand into the sounding notes.
Written notes between c, and b, get turned into parallel octaves depending
which reed banks are sounding; written notes between d and c' get turned
into 3- 6- or 9-note chords, depending which reed banks are sounding.)

It's probably not going to help a whole lot, cough cough.  But here is
the code I used to illustrate the 168 different bass registrations of
my accordion in a reasonably compact arrangement.  Of course you'll
likely need to outcomment the image inclusion.

\version "2.19.22" \paper { ragged-last = ##f } #(define (number-or-pitch? a) (or (integer? a) (ly:pitch? a))) bass-staff = "lo" bass-clef = "bass" bass-desc = \markuplist { } bari-low-desc = \markuplist { (stem down, solid heads) } bv-_one_ = { \voiceOne \harmonicsOn } bv-two = { \voiceTwo \harmonicsOn } tv-_one_ = { \voiceOne \harmonicsOn } tv-two = \voiceTwo sv-_one_ = { \voiceOne \harmonicsOn } sv-two = \voiceTwo %%{ bass-staff = "hi" bass-clef = "treble" bass-desc = \markuplist { (stem down, diamond heads) } bari-low-desc = \markuplist { (stem up, solid heads) } bv-_one_ = { \voiceFour \harmonicsOn } bv-two = { \voiceTwo \harmonicsOn } tv-_one_ = { \voiceOne \harmonicsOn } tv-two = \voiceThree sv-_one_ = { \voiceOne \harmonicsOn } sv-two = \voiceTwo %} #(define stats (make-hash-table 20)) #(define (add-to-stats pitch chordname count) (let ((p (hashv-create-handle! stats count '())) (num (modulo (ly:pitch-semitones (ly:pitch-diff pitch #{ a #})) 12))) (set-cdr! p (cons (cons num chordname) (cdr p))))) #(define (stats-list) (define (sort-pairs lst) (map cdr (sort-list lst car<))) (map (lambda (e) #{ \markuplist \override-lines #'(word-space . 1) \wordwrap-lines #(cons (format #f "~d reeds:" (car e)) (fold-right (lambda (next lst) (cons (string-append next (if (null? lst) "." ",")) lst)) '() (sort-pairs (reverse (cdr e))))) #}) (sort-list (hash-table->alist stats) car<))) chordmap = #(define-music-function (start width music) (number-or-pitch? index? ly:music?) (if (ly:pitch? start) (set! start (ly:pitch-semitones start))) (map-some-music (lambda (m) (and (music-is-of-type? m 'event-chord) (begin (set! (ly:music-property m 'elements) (append-map (lambda (x) (let ((p (ly:music-property x 'pitch))) (if (ly:pitch? p) (let loop ((n (ly:make-pitch (- (ly:pitch-octave p) (floor (/ (- (ly:pitch-semitones p) start) 12))) (ly:pitch-notename p) (ly:pitch-alteration p))) (l '())) (if (< (ly:pitch-semitones n) (+ start width)) (loop (ly:pitch-transpose (ly:make-pitch 1 0 0) n) (cons (music-clone x 'pitch n) l)) l)) (list x)))) (ly:music-property m 'elements))) m))) music)) #(define (conflate keys vals) (define (folder k v res) (if (or (null? res) (not (equal? v (cdar res)))) (cons (cons (list k) v) res) (cons (cons (cons k (caar res)) (cdar res)) (cdr res)))) (fold-right folder '() keys vals)) #(define (one-set start count music) (map (lambda (kv) (let ((keys (car kv)) (m (cdr kv))) (cons (if (null? (cdr keys)) (format "~d" (car keys)) (format "~d–~d" (car keys) (last keys))) m))) (conflate (iota count 1) (map (lambda (i) #{ \chordmap #i #12 $music #}) (iota count (ly:pitch-semitones start)))))) #(define (bass-format-set pitch name) (let ((bass #{ \chordmap e,, 12 < $pitch >4 #}) (accf #{ \chordmap a, 41 < $pitch >4 #}) (accp (one-set #{ a, #} 20 #{ < $pitch >4 #}))) (add-to-stats pitch (string-upcase name) (+ 2 (* 2 (length (ly:music-property accf ' elements))))) #{ << \context Staff = "hi" << \new Voice \with \tv-one { \tempo \markup \caps #name \transpose c c' $accf } \new Voice \with \tv-two { <>_"*" $accf } >> \context Staff = \bass-staff { \clef \bass-clef \key $pitch \major << \new Voice \with \bv-one \transpose c c' $bass \new Voice \with \bv-two { $bass } >> } >> $@(map (lambda (p) (let ((idx (car p)) (m (cdr p))) #{ << \context Staff = "hi" << \new Voice \with \tv-one \transpose c c' $m \new Voice \with \tv-two { <>_\markup #idx $m } >> \context Staff = \bass-staff << \new Voice \with \bv-one \transpose c c' $bass \new Voice \with \bv-two { $bass } >> >> #})) accp) #})) #(define (chord-format-set pitch chord name) (let ((accf #{ \chordmap a, 41 $chord #}) (accp (one-set #{ a, #} 20 chord))) (add-to-stats pitch name (* 2 (length (ly:music-property accf 'elements)))) #{ << \new Voice \with \sv-one { \tempo \markup #name \transpose c c' $accf } \new Voice \with \sv-two { <>_"*" $accf } >> $@(map (lambda (p) (let ((idx (car p)) (m (cdr p))) #{ << \new Voice \with \sv-one \transpose c c' $m \new Voice \with \sv-two { <>_\markup #idx $m } >> #})) accp) #})) #(define (score-format-set pitch name) #{ \score { \new Staff = "hi" { \key $pitch \major \cadenzaOn $(bass-format-set pitch name) \bar "|" $@(map (lambda (c t) #{ \once \accidentalStyle forget $(chord-format-set pitch c (string-append name t)) \bar "|" #}) (ly:music-property (ly:music-property (ly:music-property #{ \transpose c $pitch \chordmode { c4 c:m c:7^5 c:dim7^5 } #} 'element) 'element) 'elements) '("" "m" "7" "°")) } \layout { indent = 0 \context { \Staff \remove "Time_signature_engraver" \override TextScript.self-alignment-X = #CENTER \override VerticalAxisGroup.outside-staff-placement-directive = #'right-to-left-greedy } } } #}) #(set-global-staff-size 16) \markup \fill-line { \huge "Morino Sonderkonstruktion 100811, \"M. Thöni\"" } \markup \vspace #2 \markup \fill-line \general-align #Y #UP { \override #'(line-width . 45) \justify { Two sliders \bass-desc enable lower and upper bass reed sets. One slider (stem up, diamond heads) enables upper baritone reed set. The lower baritone reed set \bari-low-desc is not optional. Independent of the enabled reed sets is the chord note selection: a tutti slider (resulting chords marked with “*”) may be engaged. Otherwise a chord root slider with positions 1–20 is consulted. Each chord in the diagram is marked either with “*” or with the range of slider positions producing it. } \epsfile #X #85 #"bassbuttons.eps" } \markup \vspace #3 $@(map (lambda (p n) (score-format-set p n)) (event-chord-pitches #{ #}) #{ \markuplist { d♭ a♭ e♭ b♭ f c g d a e b f♯ } #}) \markup { Maximum number of reeds sounding with “*” slider engaged: } \markuplist \override-lines #'(word-space . 4) \wordwrap-lines #(concatenate (stats-list))

David Kastrup

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