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Re: Keeping the divider view in Frescobaldi

From: Paul Hodges
Subject: Re: Keeping the divider view in Frescobaldi
Date: Sun, 5 Sep 2021 10:49:02 +0100
User-agent: eM_Client/8.2.1473.0

I don't have this problem, using Frescobaldi v3.1.3 on Windows 10.  I suppose there may be something strange in your system - perhaps a permissions thing preventing a config storage?


On 05/09/2021 10:31:53, "Kino Haitsma" <> wrote:


I have a question. In Frescobaldi, by default it shows code on the left and the pdf output on the right.
I want to see more of the pdf, less of the code pane.
So I drag the divider line between those two panes to the left.
But each time I enter a new line of code, or even put my cursor in the code pane, the divider jumps back to where it was before.
How can I set the view, freeze it, so it stays how I want it?

Thank you in advance,

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