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Re: Repeat bar :|] doesn't appear if next line has [|: bar

From: Flaming Hakama by Elaine
Subject: Re: Repeat bar :|] doesn't appear if next line has [|: bar
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2022 12:37:20 -0700

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Andrew Zah <>
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2022 10:43:49 -0400
Subject: Repeat bar :|] doesn't appear if next line has [|: bar
Hi, is there a way to make lilypond render the closing \bar ":|]"?

On measure 8 there should be a bar, but due to the bar on measure 9 it
doesn't get rendered.

lilypond-user mailing list

Two things.

One is that you only ever specify one barline at a time.
In your code, you have two at the same point.

You have:

g'2 r2 | \voltaEndBar \endLine

\boxMark "B"

But this just means that the first barline (voltaEndBar) 
is being ignored, and only the second barline (voltaStartBar) 
will be printed.  

The fact that there is a break and a mark in between is irrelevant, 
since they are both addressing the current barline.

What you need is to define a barline that has both.
The barline definitions are strange to explain, 
but here is what you need

Basically, there is a definition for what should appear 
when the barline is in the middle of the line (the definition, ":|][|:" )
what to show at the end of the line ( ":|]" ) 
what to show at the beginning of the line ( "[|:" ) 
and what to show between staves in the same system ( ".|." )

\defineBarLine ":|][|:" #'(":|]" "[|:" " .|.")

endLine = \break
voltaStartBar = \bar "[|:"
voltaBothBar = \bar ":|][|:"
voltaEndBar = \bar ":|]"

boxMark =
(parser location mark)
\mark \markup { \box #mark }

\header {
title = "Demo"

\paper {
indent = 0\mm

\score {
\new Voice="Voice" {
\key c \major
\time 4/4

\boxMark "A"
f'4 r4 g'4 r4 |
a'4 r8 g'8 r2 |
f'4 r4 g'4 r4 |
a'4 r8 g'8 r2 | \endLine

f'4 r4 g'4 r4 |
a'4 r8 g'8 r4 r8 g'8~ |
g'1~ |
g'2 r2 | \voltaBothBar \endLine

\boxMark "B"
b'2 c''2 |
d''2 c''2 |
b'2 c''2 |
d''2 c''2 | \endLine

b'2 c''2 |
e''2 b'2 |
c''1~ |
c''2 r2 |
\voltaEndBar \endLine

\boxMark "A"
f'4 r4 g'4 r4 |
a'4 r8 g'8 r2 |
f'4 r4 g'4 r4 |
a'4 r8 g'8 r2 | \endLine

f'4 r4 g'4 r4 |
a'4 r8 g'8 r4 r8 g'8~ |
g'1~ |
g'2 r2 | \endLine


Elaine Alt
415 . 341 .4954                                           "Confusion is highly underrated"
Producer ~ Composer ~ Instrumentalist ~ Educator

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