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Re: installing lilypond-mode for emacs on Linux

From: Hwaen Ch'uqi
Subject: Re: installing lilypond-mode for emacs on Linux
Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2022 05:07:50 -0400

Greetings Paul,

I  don't know if this will help, but this is what I do to get
lilypond-mode working on emacs. The one caveat is that I only have one
version installed. First, when installing the .sh file, I use the flag
`--prefix /usr/'. This ensures that the bin file is in the directory
where I want it - namely, /usr/bin. Then, in my .emacs file, I include
the following lines:

(add-to-list 'load-path "/usr/lilypond/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/")
(add-to-list 'Info-default-directory-list "/usr/lilypond/usr/share/info/")
(autoload 'LilyPond-mode "lilypond-mode")
(setq auto-mode-alist
      (cons '("\\.ly$" . LilyPond-mode) auto-mode-alist))
(add-hook 'LilyPond-mode-hook (lambda () (turn-on-font-lock)))

As you can see, this also directs emacs where to search for the
texinfo files. But when calling Info with `C-h i', you probably will
still not see the lilyond manuals. That is because the dir file within
that info directory is empty. So, as root, I put the following lines
in that file:

* LilyPond Changes: (lilypond-changes). New features in 2.22.2 since 2.20
* LilyPond Contributor's Guide: (lilypond-contributor).
* LilyPond Essay: (lilypond-essay).
* LilyPond Extending: (lilypond-extending).
* LilyPond Internals Reference: (lilypond-internals).
* LilyPond Learning Manual: (lilypond-learning).
* LilyPond Music Glossary: (music-glossary).
* LilyPond Notation Reference: (lilypond-notation).
* LilyPond Snippets: (lilypond-snippets).
* LilyPond Usage: (lilypond-usage).
* LilyPond Web: (lilypond-web).

Everything before the period in each line must stay in that format.
After the period, you can write whatever description you like.

I hope this helps.

Hwaen Ch'uqi

On 4/8/22, Paul Scott <> wrote:
> On 4/7/22 16:17, David Kastrup wrote:
>> Paul Scott <> writes:
>>> On 4/7/22 15:08, David Kastrup wrote:
>>>> Paul Scott <> writes:
>>>>> On 4/7/22 14:15, David Kastrup wrote:
>>>>>> Paul Scott <> writes:
>>>>>>> On 4/7/22 13:02, David Kastrup wrote:
>>>>>>>> Paul Scott <> writes:
>>>>>>>>> Greetings,
>>>>>>>>> I've forgotten too much.  I see the instructions for activating
>>>>>>>>> lilypond-mode and am not remembering enough to get it to work.
>>>>>>>>> TIA for any help,
>>>>>>>> cd elisp
>>>>>>>> make
>>>>>>>> sudo make install
>>>>>>> I'm not finding a makefile.
>>>>>> Have you tried?
>>>>> Yes.  I've looked for many files like elisp and lilypond-mode in my
>>>>> attempts.
>>>>>>     There is GNUmakefile which will get picked up by, well,
>>>>>> GNU Make.
>>>>> I hadn't thought of GNUmakefile but according to updatedb and locate
>>>>> there are only two clearly unrelated GNUmakefiles on this computer.
>>>> Which begs the question: just what have you installed where and how
>>>> with
>>>> regard to LilyPond?
>>> I have Lily 2.22-2 and 2.23.6 installed.
>> Where and how?
> 2.22.2: Debian install
> 2.23.6: .sh file from LilyPond web site.
> Paul

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