\version "2.22.2" global = { \key g \dorian \time 2/2 } SopranoOne = \relative d'' { d1. c2 bes bes a1 } AltoOne = \relative g' { R1*2 g1. f2 e e d2 g1 fis4 e fis1 g1 } TenorOne = \relative d' { R1*8 d1. } BassOne = \relative g { R1*2 g1. d2 c c' b1 a a g } cantusNotes = << \global \SopranoOne >> altoNotes = << \global \AltoOne >> tenorNotes = << \global \TenorOne >> bassusNotes = << \global \BassOne >> incipitCantus = \relative d'' { \clef "petrucci-c1" \key g \dorian \time 2/2 d1. } incipitAltus = \relative g' { \clef "petrucci-c3" \key g \dorian \time 2/2 g1. } incipitTenor = \relative d' { \clef "petrucci-c4" \key g \dorian \time 2/2 d1. } incipitBassus = \relative g { \clef "petrucci-f4" \key g \dorian \time 2/2 g1. } textCantus = \lyricmode { Lime __ and co -- co -- nut! } textAltus = \lyricmode { Lime __ and co -- co -- nut! Co __ _ - co -- nut! } textTenor = \lyricmode { Lime __ } textBassus = \lyricmode { Lime __ and co -- co -- nut! Co -- co -- nut! } instrumentNameFieldWidth = #15/2 \score { %\keepWithTag #'score \transpose c c % score transposition << \new StaffGroup << %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \new Staff = "cantusStaff" \with { instrumentName = \markup \overlay { \hspace #instrumentNameFieldWidth "Cantus" } shortInstrumentName = "" } << \new Voice = "cantusVoice" { \incipit \incipitCantus \clef "treble" \cantusNotes } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "cantusVoice" { \textCantus } >> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \new Staff = "altusStaff" \with { instrumentName = \markup \overlay { \hspace #instrumentNameFieldWidth "Altus" } shortInstrumentName = "" } << \new Voice = "altusVoice" { \incipit \incipitAltus \clef "treble" \altoNotes } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "altusVoice" { \textAltus } >> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \new Staff = "tenorStaff" \with { instrumentName = \markup \overlay { \hspace #instrumentNameFieldWidth "Tenor" } shortInstrumentName = "" } << \new Voice = "tenorVoice" { \incipit \incipitTenor \clef "treble_8" \tenorNotes } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "tenorVoice" { \textTenor } >> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \new Staff = "bassusStaff" \with { instrumentName = \markup \overlay { \hspace #instrumentNameFieldWidth "Bassus" } shortInstrumentName = "" } << \new Voice = "bassusVoice" { \incipit \incipitBassus \clef "bass" \bassusNotes } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "bassusVoice" { \textBassus } >> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% >> >> \layout { \context { \Staff \override InstrumentName.extra-offset = #'(-1/2 . 0) %\override InstrumentName.self-alignment-X = #LEFT } \context { \Voice \remove "Note_heads_engraver" \consists "Completion_heads_engraver" \remove "Rest_engraver" \consists "Completion_rest_engraver" \consists "Ambitus_engraver" } \context { \MensuralStaff \override TimeSignature.style = #'neomensural \override InstrumentName.extra-offset = #'(-1/2 . 0) } \context { \MensuralVoice \override Stem.neutral-direction = #up \override NoteHead.style = #'neomensural \override Rest.style = #'neomensural } } \midi { \tempo 1 = 56 } } \paper{ indent = 40 }