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Re: LilyPond Yasnippets

From: Andrew Bernard
Subject: Re: LilyPond Yasnippets
Date: Sat, 11 Jun 2022 13:57:27 +1000

Hello @Hendursaga,

I think your question answers itself. If nobody has responded for ten years then it's because most people use Yasnippets for their own personal convenience to do repetitive things that arise in their music and it's pretty hard to see how to write a complete generic Lilypond snippet library. What would it consist of? My snippets may be for things you have no use for or interest in, for example.

Sorry I can't be more helpful but it's pretty easy to write your snippets as you go along isn't it?


Hendursaga wrote on 11/06/2022 3:01 AM:
This question was asked over a decade ago[1] and doesn't appear to have been 
answered. At any rate, I'll ask again: does anyone have Yasnippets concerning 
LilyPond to share?

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