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Re: Newbie here

From: David Kastrup
Subject: Re: Newbie here
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2022 18:37:41 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/29.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Don Crowder <> writes:

> I'm just getting into Lilypond and have been going through the tutorials on
> youtube.  I thought youtube was playing them in sequential order only it
> skipped from four or five to twenty eight, the one that talks about
> connecting a midi capable keyboard directly to the computer.  I tried that
> with MuseScore and couldn't get it to work.  Won't try it with Lilypond
> until I actually get to that lesson, in sequence, but I nevertheless have a
> question about that.
> Nowhere have I seen the means for the software to provide me with an
> audible click track, permitting me to keep my keyboard input accurately in
> time.  Have I just missed something?

LilyPond essentially is a means of going from typed input to a typeset
expression.  There are several tools in various states of sophistication
that allow going from Midi to typed input, but the "usual suspects"
don't do time quantisation and thus a click track would be pointless.

One way to do that is to use Rosegarden (a Midi sequencer) for
creating/quantising/analysing a Midi track and use its export
functionality to get LilyPond sources out.

The workflows in that respect are, however, much more specific to
Rosegarden than they are to LilyPond.

So you haven't really missed anything that isn't also missed by a whole
lot of other people.

David Kastrup

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