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Acciaccatura issue

From: jh
Subject: Acciaccatura issue
Date: Sat, 16 Jul 2022 09:48:57 -0600
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/1.4.12

Hello- again.
So the added bracket.brace at the end is not the problem I didn't copy it into the email. Excuses. As for the long line of graces, that's very helpful I don't know that it will solve the issue. Attached is the pdf from Fresco. Doubt that this will help but at least you can see what I am encountering before trying Andrews advice.
Thank you Sound & Silence

Beginning May 1, 2021 a new address; 1814 Lake Washington Blvd. So.,
Seattle, Wa. 98144

_206-328-7694 or messages at 206-308-8189_

and an online short (45 minute) concert of new material on Wayward in Limbo

Attachment: There will be more to this than meets the eye.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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