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Re: smaller Text at CueVoice

From: Aaron Hill
Subject: Re: smaller Text at CueVoice
Date: Sun, 28 Aug 2022 13:59:26 -0700

On 2022-08-28 1:41 pm, Alexander Weidner wrote:
how can I get a smaller fontsize for text under a CueVoice?

      \new CueVoice = "Hirte" {
        \relative c'' {
        \autoBeamOff \stemUp
        s4 s8 a16 a16 d8 d8 r16 d16 d16 e16 |%T1
      \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Hirte" {
        \override Lyrics.font-size = #-3
         Naht der Him -- mel?
         Bin ich im Him -- mel?

LilyPond's output should be calling your attention to a bad grob property path with your \override command. Make sure to check the documentation (Notation Reference and Internals) to ensure you have the right name. The Visual Index is also a helpful tool, which soon will be integrated into the official documentation.

In this case, LyricText and potentially also LyricHyphen would be the grobs you need to be modifying. However, there is perhaps an easier option using a context property:

  \new Lyrics \with { fontSize = -3 }

-- Aaron Hill

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