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Re: Lilypond

From: Jacques Menu
Subject: Re: Lilypond
Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2022 17:41:46 +0200

Hello Laurent, 

Fresco 3.1.3 is fine on Mac for me.


Envoyé de mon iPhone

Le 18 sept. 2022 à 16:22, pagani laurent <> a écrit :

Hi Valentin,

I have macported Frescobaldi and started to play with it.
I don’t find it very explicit for the errors, and while it complains there are errors it still displays the result (more or less). The really positive point is indeed to show the notes between the pdf and the .ly. It has also the advantage to not duplicate the pdf file like Lily does each time one compiles. One has quickly 10 or 20 copies of the same file opened in Preview…
Unlike Latex editors (texstudio, or texshop e.g.), it does not have the list of reserved words/commands in lateral menus to retrieve quickly something you don’t remember. But I guess there are not so many things to remember at the end though I find some combinations a bit tricky.

I met another problem which is that Lily forces chords to have the same duration for all notes. Maybe it is because I have not read the advanced manual yet.
From what I’ve learned until now, I tried to guess a way out like : < c2 {e4 r}> but it does not work. It is possible ? It is very common to have notes of different durations running in parallel in the same staff.


PS: Thanks for the file.

Le 18 sept. 2022 à 16:06, Valentin Petzel <> a écrit :

Hi Laurent, Hi Pierre,

usually using Bar checks is the way to go, but this does have its own
limitations. E.g. if we misspell

\time 3/4 c2 d4 |


\time 3/4 c2 d1 |

this will not throw an error. Of course we could make use of bar number
checks. But then, bar number checks only work if you know what bar you are in,
and bar checks only work if you know what time signature you’re in.

But it is not hard to add additional checks. The appended file defines a
pseudoengraver that checks for each placed rhythmic head if there is sufficient
remaining space left in the measure and issues a warnign otherwise.


Am Sonntag, 18. September 2022, 11:15:20 CEST schrieb Pierre Perol-Schneider:
Hi Laurent, Hi Jan,
@Laurent, see:> number-checks e.g.:
\version "2.22.0"
{ c' e' g' e'1 | <e e''' e''>2 <e e''' e''> }

Le dim. 18 sept. 2022 à 11:02, Jan Nieuwenhuizen <> a écrit :
pagani laurent writes:

Can someone answer Laurent?

Hi Jan,

Sorry to disturb you (possibly I should have gone to some forum but
this is so fundamental for me that if the answer is no, I won’t use
Lilypond, so I don’t want to bother entering the forum if it is to
leave it immediately).

I am having a look at Lilypond and I have a very simple question :
I wrote a very simple test score :

\version "2.22.0"
c' e' g' e'1 <e e''' e''>2

and the compilation ran without error :

Traitement de « /Users/laurent/Desktop/ »
Interprétation en cours de la musique...
Pré-traitement des éléments graphiques...
Détermination du nombre optimal de pages...
Répartition de la musique sur une page...
Dessin des systèmes...
Conversion à « test.pdf »...
Compilation menée à son terme, avec succès.

However, there is an obvious error : the e’1.

Does this mean that Lilypond will not report such errors when writing
a score ? That would be worrysome because that means that after having
written tons of pages, one has to go through the final product to
check for such errors and then locate them in the input file (I guess
there is no such interface as with some Latex editor where the pdf and
the latex are linked so that clicking on the pdf text, you are
directed to the corresponding latex code) which might not be very
obvious. If this is explained further in the manual, just tell me to
read the manual completely but again I won’t embark in this long task
if it is to give up at the end...


It’s tough to make predictions- especially about the future.
Yogi Berra

Jan Nieuwenhuizen <>  | GNU LilyPond
Freelance IT | Avatar®


Vieux dicton des pharaons ”si tu rames, cesse !”
Le Canard Enchaîné

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