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Dotted rests overlaid in voices show two dots, one above the other

From: Mark Mathias
Subject: Dotted rests overlaid in voices show two dots, one above the other
Date: Sat, 26 Nov 2022 22:01:05 -0500

Using \rest, I can place rests from each of two voices on a staff on top of each other without interference, thereby allowing use of the material from each voice in separate scores elsewhere without editing. Cf:

To explicitly specify a rest’s vertical position, write a note followed by \rest. A rest of the duration of the note will be placed at the staff position where the note would appear. This allows for precise manual formatting of polyphonic music, since the automatic rest collision formatter will not move these rests.

The problem is that if the rests are dotted, the automatic rest collision formatter forces the dots to be moved even though the rests stay in place:

\version "2.22.2"
\relative c'' {

Perhaps I'm doing something wrong? Or maybe it's a bug?


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