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Re: extension fingerings, key sigs

From: Matthew Pierce
Subject: Re: extension fingerings, key sigs
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2022 02:02:53 +0000

Excellent, thank you.  Your suggested \markup syntax got me close enough for a final fingering tweak, as follows:

d4^\markup{\finger " 1  x2"} e fis-4 g-0 etc.

I suspected separate score blocks might be the best way out. Off to try that next!


From: William Rehwinkel
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2022 7:28 PM
To: Matthew Pierce;
Subject: Re: extension fingerings, key sigs

Dear Matt,

This snippet should answer both of your questions, let me know if you have any other questions about this.

Depending on exactly what you were intending to do, you may want to consider putting each exercise in a separate score block, like shown in the example. This avoids all problems with setting new time signatures showing on the previous lines, and will show you the time signature at the beginning of the line even if it is the same. The second score block shows how you can disable the time signature showing at the end of the line if you change it on the next system. The first score block shows you how you can type any text in the font style used for fingering indications.




\version "2.24.0"

\paper {

%first line
\score {
    \relative c' {
        c8-\markup{\finger "1x2 4"} d e f g a b c

%second line
\score {
    \relative c' {
        \override Score.TimeSignature.break-visibility = #begin-of-line-visible
        c8 d e f g a b c \break \time 3/4 c8 d e f g a
%copy-paste as needed



On 12/20/22 20:02, Matthew Pierce wrote:
I am writing a scale page for my cello students. Since each line is a new scale, each line has a new key signature.

Two basic questions:

How do I keep the new key signature from also appearing at the end of the previous line?

Also, how can I write { 1 x 2 4 } in the fingering font, adding an "x" between the notes to signify the extension between "1" and "2"?

I am using version 22.2.2.

Thank you all,
William Rehwinkel

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