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Re: [lmi] Code review (was: Currency class)

From: Vadim Zeitlin
Subject: Re: [lmi] Code review (was: Currency class)
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2020 18:11:50 +0200

On Sun, 20 Sep 2020 13:54:15 +0000 Greg Chicares <gchicares@sbcglobal.net> 

GC> Done: commit d9d16ef3ca06.
GC> commit 3d1ff11acb2b5

 I don't see all these commits yet, so I'll wait until they're pushed to
react to the main body of your email, but for now just to answer this part:

GC> >  BTW, I know that you're not very enthusiastic, putting it mildly, about
GC> > web-based code review systems
GC> Too much like social media.

 Well, except I can't run Facebook or Twitter locally, while I can run a
GitLab instance or whatever without any problems (i.e. it's not just a
theoretical capability, but something people actually do all the time).

GC> Email is to a web-based code-review system as git is to svn

 No, I really don't think so. Email is as diff/patch to Git: same
basic principle, but qualitatively different ease of use, entirely changing
the way the tool is used in practice. Also, email is not exclusive with
the code review tools (just as Git is not exclusive with using diff) and,
in fact, all such tools I know send emails with the reviews anyhow and some
of them allow replying to such emails and integrate the replies into the
review. They just provide additional, and very convenient in practice,

GC> If you want to experiment with another idea, consider pushing
GC> throwaway "comment" branches to savannah origin.

 I don't think this would be really convenient. There is an intriguing
project at https://reverentengineer.com/git-code-review/ which purports to
really integrate code review with Git, but I'm not sure how usable this is
and the project doesn't seem to be actively maintained. Unfortunately I
haven't found any other tools that would work like this, i.e. store all
review (meta)data in Git itself.

 So for now it looks like we're limited to email.

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