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Re: [lmi] XRC RNG validation is incomplete

From: Vadim Zeitlin
Subject: Re: [lmi] XRC RNG validation is incomplete
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 2021 01:18:26 +0100

On Fri, 22 Jan 2021 22:19:09 +0000 Greg Chicares <gchicares@sbcglobal.net> 

GC> On 1/22/21 9:18 PM, Vadim Zeitlin wrote:
GC> >  If we wanted to have an automatic way of finding such problems, I think I
GC> > would write a C++ program reading the file and performing the checks in 
GC> > code rather than trying to do it using just Relax NG. Such program would 
GC> > definitely useful to have, but I'm not sure if it would be useful enough
GC> > to warrant writing it -- but please let me know if you think it would.
GC> No, that would be duplicative because wxXRC already detects many such
GC> issues when it loads XRC files. If any effort is justified (and I don't
GC> see a present need), then it would be better to focus it on augmenting
GC> such diagnostics as wxXRC already provides.

 What I always wanted was to have a way to load an arbitrary XRC file and
preview it interactively. This could never be done perfectly because there
can be custom (just subclassed, or using a completely different XRC
handler) controls embedded in XRC, but I think doing it even imperfectly
would still be quite useful, as you could e.g. tweak the contents of the
XRC file on the fly (providing this tool would support reloading on save)
without having to relaunch the application.

 And such tool would also provide the best possible validation, of course,
and we could use it to just validate an XRC file without previewing it too.

 AFAIR the reason I still haven't done this was that wxXRC doesn't provide
the necessary API for examining the XRC contents, i.e. you can't just load
an arbitrary XRC and show "everything" in it, without knowing what does it
contain. But this probably shouldn't be very difficult to add... And more I
think about this, more I become convinced that it would be a good idea to
have something like this.

 Please let me know if, by chance, you share my enthusiasm and would find
such a tool useful [enough to spend time on writing it].

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