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headers and footers (Peter Samuel's post)

From: Jeff Kingston
Subject: headers and footers (Peter Samuel's post)
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 1994 08:27:57 +1100

Lout's standard packages are set up so that there are three levels at
which things can be changed.  As you go up the levels you can do more
radical things, but it gets harder.

Level 1.  This is the level of parameters to @Document, @Report, and
@Book.  As explained in Sections 12-14 of the Beginners' Guide, at
this level you change things by adding options to those symbols.  It's
very easy but the things you can change are limited.  In particular,
you can't change the format of page numbers.

Level 2.  This is the level of parameters to the @DocumentLayout
symbol found in the setup files doc, report, and book.  At this level
you can change many things including the format of page numbers.  As
explained in Section 15 of the Beginners' Guide, to do things at this
level you need to copy one of those setup files, change it, and use it
in place of the standard ones, so it's harder than Level 1.

Level 3.  This is the level of the DocumentLayout package itself, found
in file include/dl.  Here everything is open to change because we are
working at the Lout language level where it was all defined in the first
place.  But to change things here you need to understand Lout properly,
and any change you make will take you outside the de facto standard
environment, rendering your documents non-portable.

Now Peter's mail asks how to change the format of page numbers and
suggests two methods both at level 3 i.e. changing DocumentLayout.  I
think it would be a great deal simpler and better to follow the Level
2 procedure in this case i.e. use a customized setup file.

Jeff Kingston

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