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Newbie question: Latin2

From: Marcelo Huerta
Subject: Newbie question: Latin2
Date: Sun, 04 Jul 1999 20:19:20 -0300

I'm having problems understanding the use the latin2 setup file.
My file

@SysInclude { doc }
@SysInclude { latin2 }

@Doc @Text @Begin
  { TimesCE } @Font { Abcdefg }
@End @Text

generates the following error message:

lout file "G:\UTIL\LOUT\LIB/include/latin2.fd" (from "latin2" line 9, from "t1"
line 2):
    11,1 fatal error: missing @Break symbol or option

I've tried swapping the two initial @SysInclude statements, with the
subsequent error message:

lout file "G:\UTIL\LOUT\LIB/include/latin2.fd" (from "latin2" line 9, from "t1"
line 1):
   11,56 fatal error: cannot open character mapping file LtLatin2.LCM

I use Lout in a Win32 environment. lout -V output is:

Basser Lout Version 3.12 (April 1998)
Basser Lout written by:      Jeffrey H. Kingston (address@hidden)
Free source available from:  ftp://ftp.cs.usyd.edu.au/jeff/lout
This executable compiled:    18:41:53 Nov  2 1998
System include directory:    G:\UTIL\LOUT\LIB/include
System database directory:   G:\UTIL\LOUT\LIB/data
Database index files created afresh automatically: yes
Safe execution (disabling system()) is default: no
strcoll() used for sorting collation sequence: no

                                      o-=< Marcelo Huerta >=-o

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