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Need help to migrate custom setup file

From: chaton . j
Subject: Need help to migrate custom setup file
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 12:48:13 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.1.12i

I've been using for a while a custom letter setup file I've hacked from
Jeffrey's one. It's fails miserabily with the lout version I have now

pc5529zk3:/home/jcn/private>lout -o chmoul200001.ps chmoul200001.lout
lout file "dl" (from "letter.old" line 28, from "chmoul200001.lout" line 1):
     1,0: cannot open file dl
lout file "/usr/share/lout/include/docf" (from "letter.old" line 29, from 
"chmoul200001.lout" line 1):
    14,8: extend symbol @BasicSetup not in scope
   14,20: extend symbol @DocumentSetup not in scope
   18,26: fatal error: exiting now

I understood that was caused by the 3.13 setup files improvement so I tried
according to messages from the archive list, to change the 

import @DocumentLayout @OrdinaryLayout

in my file by 

import @BasicSetup @OrdinarySetup 

but the generation still failed :
pc5529zk3:/home/jcn/private>lout -o chmoul200001.ps chmoul200001.lout
lout file "letter" (from "chmoul200001.lout" line 1):
   50,20: import @OrdinarySetup not in scope
   53,16: fatal error: exiting now

I copy below parts of the definitions from the old (who worked flawlessly with
3.12) and new (who still doesn't work) setup files. 

Where am I wrong, please.

This setup file is a French Letter (obeying to french letters rules, and
displaying the receiver address in the standardized transparent window
envelope). Lout French users, feel free to use it if it can help you (when it's

------ old setup

#                                                                             #
#  Lout setup file                                                            #
#                                                                             #
#  This Lout setup file contains everything needed to format documents        #
#  using the following setup file configuration choice(s):                    #
#                                                                             #
#      doc            Ordinary document                                       #
#                                                                             #
#  It will work correctly on plain text documents as well as ordinary ones.   #
#  It was probably generated automatically from file include/master by a sed  #
#  script that selected this combination of the available choices.            #
#                                                                             #
#  Jeffrey H. Kingston                                                        #
#  24 June 1996                                                               #
#                                                                             #

#                                                                             #
#  @SysInclude commands for standard packages.                                #
#                                                                             #

  @SysInclude { fontdefs        } # font definitions
  @SysInclude { langdefs        } # language definitions
  @SysInclude { dl              } # DocumentLayout package
  @SysInclude { docf            } # OrdinaryLayout extension
  @SysInclude { tab             } # @Tab table formatter
# @SysInclude { eq              } # @Eq equation formatter
# @SysInclude { fig             } # @Fig advanced graphics (NOW OBSOLETE)
# @SysInclude { graph           } # @Graph graph drawing
# @SysInclude { pas             } # @Pas Pascal programs

#                                                                             #
#  @Include command for reading personal definitions from current directory.  #
#                                                                             #

  @Include { mydefs }

def @SixThings
    named upperleft {}
    named upperright {}
    named middleleft {}
    named middleright {}
    named lowerleft {}
    named lowerright {}
#    "0 ymark moveto xsize ymark lineto stroke" @Graphic lines @Break {
    "0 ymark moveto xsize 3 div  ymark lineto stroke" @Graphic lines @Break {
                upperleft      |1rt @HContract upperright    |
         /1v    middleleft     |    @HContract middleright   |
        ^/0.5v                 |                  |
         /0.5v  lowerleft      |    @HContract lowerright    |

import @DocumentLayout @OrdinaryLayout
def @JMLetter
    named @To {}
    named @Date { @Date }
    named @InitialFont { Times Base 12p }
    named @InitialBreak { hyphen adjust 1.2fx }
    named @PageHeaders { Simple }
    named @Yref {}
    named @Oref {}
    named @Object {}
    right @Body
    @InitialFont { @InitialFont }
    @InitialBreak { @InitialBreak }
    @InitialLanguage {Francais}
    @PageHeaders { @PageHeaders }
@Text @Begin
    upperleft {
 {20p Times Bold} @Font {Jean-Marc @S Chaton}
    upperright { { 11p Bold } @Font 12px @Break {} }
    middleleft {
8p @Font 9px @Break @HContract {
17, allée Louis Daquin
44600 Saint-Nazaire
} }
||8c lines @Break @To
@OneRow { 
lines @Break -3p @Font {
@B {objet : } @Object
@B{vos ref. : } @Yref
@B{nos ref. : } @Oref}} | rlines @Break {Saint-Nazaire, le @Date}
||8c Jean-Marc @S Chaton
@End @Text

.... stuff below was the standard file


---------- New setup

#                                                                             #
#   Lout setup file for ordinary documents                                    #
#                                                                             #
#  Jeffrey H. Kingston                                                        #
#   5 February 1999                                                           #
#                                                                             #

#                                                                             #
#  @SysInclude commands for standard packages.                                #
#                                                                             #

  @SysInclude { fontdefs        } # font definitions
  @SysInclude { langdefs        } # language definitions
  @SysInclude { bsf             } # BasicSetup package
  @SysInclude { dsf             } # DocumentSetup package
  @SysInclude { docf            } # OrdinarySetup extension

#                                                                             #
#  @Include command for reading personal definitions from current directory.  #
#                                                                             #

  @Include { mydefs }

def @SixThings
    named upperleft {}
    named upperright {}
    named middleleft {}
    named middleright {}
    named lowerleft {}
    named lowerright {}
#    "0 ymark moveto xsize ymark lineto stroke" @Graphic lines @Break {
    "0 ymark moveto xsize 3 div  ymark lineto stroke" @Graphic lines @Break {
                upperleft      |1rt @HContract upperright    |
         /1v    middleleft     |    @HContract middleright   |
        ^/0.5v                 |                  |
         /0.5v  lowerleft      |    @HContract lowerright    |

import @BasicSetup @OrdinarySetup 
export @JMLetter
def @JMLetter
    named @To {}
    named @Date { @Date }
    named @InitialFont { Times Base 12p }
    named @InitialBreak { hyphen adjust 1.2fx }
    named @PageHeaders { Simple }
    named @Yref {}
    named @Oref {}
    named @Object {}
    right @Body
    @InitialFont { @InitialFont }
    @InitialBreak { @InitialBreak }
    @InitialLanguage {Francais}
    @PageHeaders { @PageHeaders }
@Text @Begin
    upperleft {
 {20p Times Bold} @Font {Jean-Marc @S Chaton}
    upperright { { 11p Bold } @Font 12px @Break {} }
    middleleft {
8p @Font 9px @Break @HContract {
17, allée Louis Daquin
44600 Saint-Nazaire
} }
||8c lines @Break @To
@OneRow { 
lines @Break -3p @Font {
@B {objet : } @Object
@B{vos ref. : } @Yref
@B{nos ref. : } @Oref}} | rlines @Break {Saint-Nazaire, le @Date}
||8c Jean-Marc @S Chaton
@End @Text

standard stuff removed

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