@SysInclude { doc } def @FromPlace { @Galley } def @ToPlace { @Galley } def @OpeningPlace { @Galley } def @BodyPlace { @Galley } def @ClosingPlace { @Galley } def @SignaturePlace { @Galley } def @From into { @FromPlace&&preceding } right x { x } def @To into { @ToPlace&&preceding } right x { x } def @Opening into { @OpeningPlace&&preceding } right x { x } def @Body into { @BodyPlace&&preceding } right x { x } def @Closing into { @ClosingPlace&&preceding } right x { x } def @Signature into { @SignaturePlace&&preceding } right x { x } def @Letter @Begin @Document @InitialSpace { compress } // @Text @Begin @DP @DP @DP @DP @Right lines @Break { @FromPlace @DP @DP { 1 April 2000 } # this should be a prameter that defaults to today } @DP lines @Break @ToPlace @DP @DP lines @Break @OpeningPlace @DP @BodyPlace @DP |0.75rt lines @Break @ClosingPlace @DP @Right lines @Break @SignaturePlace @End @Text @End @Letter # of course, all of the above lives is a separate, included file def @Matej { def @ecaron { 0.5w @HShift {e} |0io 0.5w @HShift address@hidden caron} } address@hidden } @Letter // @From { @Matej Cepl Mexicka 4 101 00 Praha 10 e-mail: address@hidden } @To { @B{Augustinus Aurelius} Bishop of Hippo Carthago } @Opening { Dear brother, } @Closing { Yours sincerely } @Signature { Matej Cepl } @Body @Begin @LP Thank your for your very warm letter from April 4, 2000, and let me answer to your questions as follows: @NumberedList indent { 1f } @ListItem { Concerning the possibility of ... } @EndList I wish you a lot of courage and love from our heavenly father. @End @Body