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Lout for Hebrew fixes

From: Efraim Yawitz
Subject: Lout for Hebrew fixes
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 11:42:07 -0800 (PST)

After I sent in my archive yesterday, I found some embarrassing problems,
essentially misplaced curly braces which (amazingly) were only causing a
few internal strings to be printed out as PostScript (at the top of every
even page was the word 'ox').  These are now fixed, as well as an
indenting change in the original Lout code, which is not what I intended.
In addition, I now (temporarily) removed the test for language from
horizontally concatenated objects, since they weren't being reversed
properly previously.  This is only to show that the basic method
works; obviously, some kind of flag is needed.
I hope no one (especially the original author) is offended by my fooling
around with the internals of Lout; I think this is what the GPL is all
about.  I hope it eventually leads to something useful.

Best Wishes,


Attachment: heblout-0.11.tar.gz
Description: Binary data

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