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Re: Writing verbatim to a file

From: kahl
Subject: Re: Writing verbatim to a file
Date: 24 Sep 2001 07:15:22 -0000

> is it possible to write text/data directly into a file,
> maybe with directing a copy of it as a raw-text to
> the lout-document?
> This could be used to write C-Code into a file from
> within a Lout-document and at the same time setting
> it in the document.
> This is intended to use lout for literate programming,
> where the documentation to the C-Code and the C-Code itself
> will be written at the same time and will be located at the
> same place, so that it is easier to maintain documentation
> and code in parallel.

For literate programming, I am spoiled by the capabilities of FunnelWeb
Since FunelWeb is designed to be formatter-independent,
it should be possible to include a switch for lout,
like there is one for TeX.
(The fact that both share the @ as special
could complicate the task, or make the result less attractive.)
However, I have been too lazy (and C-phobic) to attempt this;
instead I achieve the effect indirectly:

A Lout @Filter command serves the FunnelWeb fragments to ``loutfw'',
which returns one version for Lout to typeset,
and appends another version to the file ``loutfw.fw''.
This file has to be emptied before every Lout run; my Makefile has:

        rm -f lout.fw
        lout1 $(LOUTSRC) && xfw lout.fw

A fragment of $(LOUTSRC) (with Haskell code) is here:


#{{{ head
@FunnelWeb @Begin
> hgVarsOk :: @<HG@>@(, HyperGraph g@) -> Bool
> hgVarsOk g = all (null . hgOutEdges g . snd . snd) (toListFM $ hgVars g)

> hgAllVars :: @<HG@>@(, HyperGraph g@) -> Bool
> hgAllVars g = all (`elem` (map (snd . snd) $ toListFM $ hgVars g))
>                   (filter (null . hgOutEdges g) (hgNodes g))
@End @FunnelWeb
For the calculation of depth-first search forests
it is important to keep in mind
that our hyper-edges are oriented bottom-up,
with data flowing from the edge's sources to its targets,
while edges in conventional term graphs are oriented top-down.
#{{{ hgDFS
@FunnelWeb @Begin
> hgDFS :: @<HG@>@(, HyperGraph g@) ->
>          Forest (Either n e)
> hgDFS g =
>  let f (Left n) = map (Right . fst3) (hgInEdges g n)
>      f (Right e) = foldFM (\ i (s,n) l -> Left n : l) [] (hgEdgeSources g e)
>  in  DFS.dfs f $
>      foldrFM' (hgRoots g) (\ k (t,n) l -> Left n : l)
>               (map Left (hgNodes g) ++ map Right (hgEdges g))
@End @FunnelWeb


All FunnelWeb definitions shoud follow the pattern
first line --- contents --- last line as follows:


Otherwise, there will be problems.

The strange Lout comments are folding marks for Emacs folding mode:

#{{{ EMACS lv
# Local Variables:
# folded-file: t
# mode: iso-accents
# fold-internal-margins: 0
# eval: (fold-set-marks "#{{{ " "#}}}")
# eval: (fold-whole-buffer)
# end:

The missing bits are attached:

* xfw: a shell script for easier calling of FunnelWeb

* lout1: a shell script for easier calling of Lout

* funnel: containing the Lout definition of @FunnelWeb

* loutfw.ml: the OCaml (-labels) program producing the two versions
  of the code.
  There are a few options that influence inclusion or hiding of
  FunnelWeb headers and trailers and other things ---
  I haven't looked at it for quite some time.

In addition there are two utilities, written in Haskell in the last few days,
which can be handy in connection with FunnelWeb:

* QuietFw.lhs: to be inserted in a pipe after xfw or fw ---
  it cuts out FunnelWeb messages about non-updated files.

* ToFw.lhs: Takes a list of files as arguments,
  and produces on stdout a FunnelWeb file producing those files,
  with tabs expanded and trailing spaces eliminated,
  but without replacements of other special and 8-bit characters.

Please feel free to ask if any questions remain!


Attachment: xfw
Description: Binary data

Attachment: lout1
Description: Binary data

Attachment: funnel
Description: Binary data

Attachment: loutfw.ml
Description: Binary data

Attachment: QuietFw.lhs
Description: Binary data

Attachment: ToFw.lhs
Description: Binary data

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