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Re: lout and PDF

From: Christopher Wolfe
Subject: Re: lout and PDF
Date: Thu, 04 Sep 2008 11:59:13 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080723)

Greetings.  Here are my thoughts, FWIW.

As I understand it, the challenge of converting PDF files outside of lout is storage.

Here is the situation I face. In a newspaper or magazine, images (EPS or PDF files) live on a separate server. (Usually an OPI or DAM server.) Images often change during the day, so it is actually bad to convert them ahead of time. That would risk picking up an old version of the image. Rather, I convert images at the time they are included/needed in a Lout document.

Converting the PDF files outside of Lout run requires me to find a temporary home for them on my server. There are several negative consequences to this.

I'd prefer to convert them in-line. The conversion can be piped (or chained) with a hook in Lout.

If it matters, pdftops is a widely available open-source program. The xpdf package (which includes pdftops) runs under Windows and most Unix variants. It is distributed with popular Linux variants. Binaries are available at FooLabs. If you are concerned about making xpdf a requirement for Lout, it could be optional (at make time), I suppose.


Jeff Kingston wrote:
I made a version of lout that can include PDF files.
It detects PDF files by their first few bytes...
It uses the pdftops program from the open source xpdf package
http://www.foolabs.com/xpdf/ to convert PDF files to temporary
EPS files.

This is clever but it seems like a bridge too far to me.  After
all, Lout is just one tool in a chain and these sorts of things
can be done outside it.  What do others think?

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