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Re: Is there a lout package repository?

From: Matěj Cepl
Subject: Re: Is there a lout package repository?
Date: Sat, 10 Oct 2015 12:31:03 +0200
User-agent: slrn/pre1.0.3-6 (Linux)

On 2015-10-10, 08:16 GMT, Joh-Tob Schäg wrote:
> i used Latex in the past and now want to try something new.
> In Latex there are packages, which provide syntax and symbols for
> chemistry, cryptography and so on.
> Are there such packages in lout?
> Are there package distributions or reprositoires like CTAN?

First of all, Lout is dead. There was no release since 
27-Jun-2013 and I don't think there was any substantial change 
since 2005 or so. It is great technology, I have no doubts that 
on its own technologically a way better than the LaTeX itself, 
but it has never developed sufficient community to get life of 
its own.  Also, some more recent (to show how obsolete lout is 
in some aspects) like HTML or PDF have not caught up with lout, 
so basically the only use of the Lout documents is to be printed 
via PostScript (or distilled to PDF via ps2pdf or Adobe 

I believe that the best source of information about Lout is the 
archive of this list (see 

Also, there are some pages on Lout on (Valeriy Ushakov is an 
übermensch in the world of Lout who helped Lout’s users almost 
as much as Jeff) 

Concerning fonts etc. ... Lout is very closely related to the 
PostScript, which in its original form (or always?) knows 
nothing about Unicode and it was (is?) based solely on various 
8bit encodings.

> And last but not least can you recommend any howtos/texts/documentation
> when it comes to writing your own code?

First of all, the official documentation which is part of the 
package is excellent and useful on its own. The second best 
source is IMHO the archive of this list (see above for URL).



http://www.ceplovi.cz/matej/, Jabber: address@hidden
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