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Re: [Ltib] mounting root filesystem

From: Stuart Hughes
Subject: Re: [Ltib] mounting root filesystem
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 10:42:43 +0000

Hi Mehrdad,

I don't have anything specific for that platform, but there is a
deployment guide config/platform/mpc8349itx/deployment_instructions.txt
in CVS.  I've attached an html version of this too.  This has a section
near the end that gives some ideas about JFFS2.

Please beware, this is a general untested write up that I was working
on.  The principles though are the same for most platforms:

WARNING WARNING WARNING: If you erase the wrong bit of Flash on your
boards, it won't boot and you'll need a BDM to recover the board.

IMHO unless you have the recovery tool and are confident about what
you're doing, I'd stick with NFS deployment.

If you google around, you'll probably find some much clearer and better
write ups that the one I have.  There is more than one way to do this.

Regards, Stuart

On Thu, 2007-01-18 at 09:12 +1100, Mehrdad Salami wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I started to use ltib for freescale coldfire. I used uclinux and
> LinuxBSP before. They both generate one image.bin for the kernel plus
> filesystem. However it seems to me the ltib generate vmlinux.bin for
> kernel and another file (either jjfs2 or ramdisk) for filesystem. Is
> there any way to have one file which combines these two.
> If not is there any document to show how to use this separate files and
> link them to the vmlinux.bin
> At the moment I load vmlinux.bin in address 1000 and run from 2000. It
> stops when it get to mounting filesystem. I don't know how to use
> rootfs.jffs2 or rootfs.ext2.gz which is generated after compilation.
> I am running my own bootloader and compile ltib package to load and run
> the image by my bootloader.
> Regards,
> Mehrdad
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Table of Contents

General Setup for the MPC8349mITX-gp

Getting connected

Here's the view of the back panel of the itx unit:

|                                                      |
|----------------------------------------              |
|                               -- --    |             |
|                              |eth0 |   |             |
|                              |-----|   |             |             
|    _____                     |-----|   |             |
|   \ ser /                    |     |   |        (+)  | 12V DC 5A centre +
|    -----                      -- --    |             |

With the board powered down:

Powering up to the boot prompt

Data in EEPROM (addr 0x50) is valid.
In:    serial
Out:   serial
Err:   serial
Net:   Freescale TSEC0: PHY is VSC8201 (fc413)
Freescale TSEC0
Board Revision: rev 1.0

Booting from Flash

The system as shipped has a copy of GNU/Linux already burned into Flash. This consists of an area that contains the kernel and an area that contains the root filesystem (a compressed ramdisk with u-boot header). This can be run as a confidence check and as a basic system. This is shown first as it's the simplest way to boot the system. To do this, power up the itx to the u-boot prompt as described in the section 'General setup' and then run the following command:

=> run flashramboot

Note: the system will attempt to configure its network configuration using DHCP protocol.

Note also: any changes will made to the system will be lost when you power down as you're running from a ramdisk image.

Other boot options (using the network)

For other boot methods you'll need to have a working network connection. Not only that but you may also need to change some of the u-boot configuration parameters.

Configuring the u-boot parameters

As supplied the u-boot parameters will be valid only for a particular environment (the defaults can be found in u-boot_default_environment.txt).

In particular you'll need to check the following parameters and change them. Here's a checklist and what I ended up changing for my environment (you need to adjust appropriately).

Parameter Default My setting Comment
serverip The IP address of your host
gatewayip none I'm not using a gateway to boot
tftp_path 8349ITX-GP/fae none I put stuff directly in /tftpboot
ipaddr A free IP on your network
rootpath /opt/fae-root1 /tmp/ltib/rootfs Your NFS rootfs location

So in my case here's what I did at the u-boot prompt:

=> setenv serverip
=> setenv gatewayip
=> setenv tftp_path
=> setenv ipaddr
=> setenv rootpath /tmp/ltib/rootfs

To make these permanent (in Flash) you need to use the following command:

=> saveenv

How to run Linux with the default built filesystem (tftpboot Option)

Using this method you download the kernel image and the root filesystem image across the network and then use u-boot to load and run them.

This is useful if you build your own kernel and/or root filesystem and want to try them out. The principal limitation of this method is that anything you change while the system is running will be lost (as your running a ramdisk image).

Before you attempt this, you need to make sure that you have a running tftp server. Setting this up is before the scope of this note, but one simple test I run is:

$ netstat -a | grep tftp
udp        0      0 *:tftp                      *:* 

If you see the line output (udp....) then it's likely your tftp server is available. Remember though, even if it is running you may have other hurdles to overcome before you can download from it (e.g iptables/firewalls).

Once you're confident your tftp server is working, to boot up use the following commands:

On the host:

$ cp rootfs/boot/uImage rootfs.ext2.gz.uboot /tftpboot
On the target:

=> run tftpramboot

How to boot using tftp for the kernel and NFS for the root filesystem

This method is generally the most useful for developers. Using this method and LTIB a user is able to change the configuration of their root filesystem (add/remove packages) and immediately see the result on your running system (e.g ./ltib -p strace).

Before booting using this method, in addition to the tftp server, you'll also need a working NFS server. Setting up an NFS server is also beyond the scope of this note but here is a brief guide (always remember to make sure your iptables/firewall is not blocking things).

On your host (as root):


# sh /etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs restart
# exit 

Re-configure the network setup in your LTIB config

Unfortunately the default configuration setup in LTIB is to use DHCP to get the network address for eth0. If you're using NFS this won't work (you'll see an endless stream of 'RPC: sendmsg returned error 101'). This is because you mount the filesystem with one IP address and then subsequently get DHCP to change it. To fix this, here's what you need to do:

--- Target System Configuration 
    Options  --->

      Network setup  ---> 
[*]   get network parameters using dhcp

[ ]   get network parameters using dhcp
( IP address (NEW)
( netmask (NEW)
( broadcast address (NEW)
( gateway address (NEW)
( nameserver IP address (NEW)

Boot the target

Ltib will now run and build as required: When it done, do the following:

On the host:

$ cp rootfs/boot/uImage /tftpboot

On the target:

=> run tftpnfsboot

Working with the Flash

The Boot Flash Map:

The MPC8349E-mITX-GP platform contains one flash bank that may be used to boot a kernels/filesystem. Here is the layout

From To Size Use/Comment
FE00_0000 - - Start of Flash
FE00_0000 FE05_FFFF 384K U-Boot (begins at start of Flash)
FE06_0000 FE25_FFFF 2M Linux Kernel
FE26_0000 FE7F_FFFF 5.625M Root Filesystem
FE7F_FFFF - - End of Flash

How To Flash U-Boot:

This is not recommended as it can render the system unbootable. If this happens you'll need a JTAG device to get into the system.

How to Flash your Linux kernel and ramdisk file system

However if you'd like to have a completely self-contained system (that can independently boot), you have the option of Flashing the kernel and rootfilesystem into the board's Flash. Then by changing the parameters in u-boot, you can have an stand-alone auto-booting system. Obviously the space available for the root filesystem will limit the number of package that you can add.

The space used with profile config/platform/mpc8349itx/defconfig-min-fs is: (please select linux- for the kernel when prompted)

Region Size
Kernel 1.5 MB
Root filesystem 1.9 MB

  1. . Re-build your BSP using the smaller Flash preconfig:

$ ./ltib --preconfig config/platform/mpc8349itx/defconfig-min-fs

When you get the blue configuration screen, select linux- for the kernel.

  1. . Copy the kernel and ramdisk images to your tftpboot server directory (by default /tftpboot).

$ cp rootfs/boot/uImage <your tftp path>/
$ cp ltib-mpc8349itx-gp-20061024/rootfs.ext2.gz.uboot <your tftp path>/

  1. . The following commands are used to program the flash using u-boot on the target. After cycling the power on your target:

# download the kernel into RAM

=> tftpboot $loadaddr $tftp_path/uImage

# erase the Flash memory that will hold this kernel image (takes a while)

=> erase $kernaddr fe7fffff

# write the kernel to the flash

=> cp.b $loadaddr $kernaddr $filesize

# verify that the kernel was programmed properly

=> cmp.b $loadaddr $kernaddr $filesize

# download the root filesystem into RAM

=> tftpboot $loadaddr $tftp_path/rootfs.ext2.gz.uboot

# write the ramdisk to the flash

=> cp.b $loadaddr $ramdiskaddr $filesize

# verify

=> cmp.b $loadaddr $ramdiskaddr $filesize

# verify that the images flashed are valid u-boot images

=> imls

Flash deployment using JFFS2 for the root file system

WARNING: beware this is untested on this platform. Make sure you don't overwrite your Flash in the wrong area !!!!!!

If you want to boot stand-alone from Flash but want to be able to make (persistent) updates to your root filesystem configuration, this is the best option. Unfortunately I don't have tthe details for this right now, but it's certainly possible. The sort of things you need to do are:

# cat /proc/mtd

$ cp rootfs.jffs2 rootfs/tmp

# flash_eraseall /dev/mtd2

# flashcp /tmp/rootfs.jffs2 /dev/mtd2

# mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock2 /mnt/src
# /mnt/src
# chroot /mnt/src
# exit

=> tftp $loadkernaddr uImage
=> setenv bootargs 'root=1f03 rootfstype=jffs2 mtdparts=phys_mapped_flash:384k(uboot)ro,2M(kernel)ro,5760(jffs2)'
=> bootm $loadkernaddr uImage

USB operation

How to insert and mount a USB Flash drive device

Connecting a USB key


Converted on Thu Jan 18 10:35:17 2007

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