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[Ltib] LTIB adduser best practice

From: Arnaud Derasse
Subject: [Ltib] LTIB adduser best practice
Date: Wed, 03 Sep 2008 16:47:17 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080306)


I have been using LTIB for 6 month to build the rootfs for one of our products. I added a lot of packages to the distribution ( Xorg, Kdrive, Matchbox , Glib and Gtk+ ) . Recently I added the Dbus and Dbus-glib packages to LTIB and I am facing a little problem.

The DBus deamon init script need a new user to launch the daemon ( messagebus user and group ) . My question is : how can I do to add the messagebus user to the target system ? I have some ideas but I don't know what would be the best practice - Using a rpm script that will add the messagebus user to the rootfs/etc/passwd file and the messagebus group to /etc/group.
- Adding the entry with a patch directly in the skell package.
- chroot the host system to the target rootfs directory and use the host adduser program in a rpm script to do the job.
- Another (unknown) way to add that user when installing the Rpm package :)

What should I do ?


Arnaud Derasse

Intuitive Technologies SARL
Project Manager
Pépinière d'entreprises innovantes
1 rue Albert Einstein
77447 Marne La Vallée Cedex
Tel : +33(0)1 45 92 60 43
Port : +33(0)6 73 15 09 67

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