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Re: [Ltib] qtopia package build failure while building ltib from CVS (S

From: Stuart Hughes
Subject: Re: [Ltib] qtopia package build failure while building ltib from CVS (Savannah)
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 09:25:15 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080707)

Hi Rajesh,

Unfortunately your output discards stderr, so I can't see what failed.

You are right, if this is in the default configuration it should just build without any other changes. I'm not sure what test the BSP authors tried. You are correct that some dependent package is probably missing.

Regards, Stuart

address@hidden wrote:
Hi Stuart,

I am building this for imx27ads platform.

I am not doing any specific configuration as I have just started to work
on this kit + ltib. I just select the target platform as imx27 and that's
it as part of configuration. Rest is all default and I assume this should
be okay. I also saw that QT package inclusion is by default and seems to
be a MUST.

I ran the command ./ltib.

I have attached the output file "out3" along with this email.

It seems qtopia tools are not built, so do I have to set something in
configuration to get this build beforehand ?

Rajesh Marathe.

Hi Rajesh,

Which platform are you building? I ran build regressions on imx31ads,
mpc5200, mpc8349itx and mpc8548cds which built okay.

You've chopped the start of the errors so it's hard to say what the
initial trigger was.  As you say maybe it's missing a dependency which I
have configured in.

Please say: what command did you run? (./ltib or ./ltib -p qtopia), did
you reconfigure? etc.

Can you send your config/platform/_target_/.config file so I can see
your configuration.

Regards, Stuart

address@hidden wrote:
Hi Stuart,

I took the latest from CVS (With today's patch from Daniel) and still I
some errors while building Qtopia tools.
The errors are like:
rdparty/kernel/qmotifdnd_x11.cpp:825: error: 'cur_window' was not
in this scope
3rdparty/kernel/qmotifdnd_x11.cpp:826: error: 'cm' was not declared in
this scope
3rdparty/kernel/qmotifdnd_x11.cpp:829: error: 'False' was not declared
this scope
3rdparty/kernel/qmotifdnd_x11.cpp:830: error: 'XSendEvent' was not
declared in this scope
3rdparty/kernel/qmotifdnd_x11.cpp:836: error: 'False' was not declared
this scope
3rdparty/kernel/qmotifdnd_x11.cpp:839: error: 'struct DndData' has no
member named 'time'
3rdparty/kernel/qmotifdnd_x11.cpp:839: error: 'CurrentTime' was not
declared in this scope
3rdparty/kernel/qmotifdnd_x11.cpp:842: error: 'cur_window' was not
declared in this scope
3rdparty/kernel/qmotifdnd_x11.cpp:843: error: 'cm' was not declared in
this scope
3rdparty/kernel/qmotifdnd_x11.cpp:847: error: 'XSendEvent' was not
declared in this scope
3rdparty/kernel/qmotifdnd_x11.cpp:860: error: 'cur_window' was not
declared in this scope
3rdparty/kernel/qmotifdnd_x11.cpp:860: error: 'struct DndData' has no
member named 'src_window'
3rdparty/kernel/qmotifdnd_x11.cpp:866: error: 'struct DndData' has no
member named 'property'
3rdparty/kernel/qmotifdnd_x11.cpp:867: error: 'src_targets' was not
declared in this scope
3rdparty/kernel/qmotifdnd_x11.cpp:881: error: 'struct DndData' has no
member named 'property'
3rdparty/kernel/qmotifdnd_x11.cpp:881: error: 'Dnd_transfer_failure' was
not declared in this scope
3rdparty/kernel/qmotifdnd_x11.cpp:882: error: 'struct DndData' has no
member named 'property'
3rdparty/kernel/qmotifdnd_x11.cpp:882: error: 'struct DndData' has no
member named 'time'
3rdparty/kernel/qmotifdnd_x11.cpp:882: error: 'XConvertSelection' was
declared in this scope
3rdparty/kernel/qmotifdnd_x11.cpp:894: error: 'cm' was not declared in
this scope
3rdparty/kernel/qmotifdnd_x11.cpp:897: error: 'False' was not declared
this scope
3rdparty/kernel/qmotifdnd_x11.cpp:898: error: 'XSendEvent' was not
declared in this scope
3rdparty/kernel/qmotifdnd_x11.cpp:901: error: 'Dnd_selection' was not
declared in this scope
3rdparty/kernel/qmotifdnd_x11.cpp:901: error: 'struct DndData' has no
member named 'property'
3rdparty/kernel/qmotifdnd_x11.cpp:902: error: 'Dnd_selection_time' was
declared in this scope
3rdparty/kernel/qmotifdnd_x11.cpp:902: error: 'struct DndData' has no
member named 'time'
make[1]: ***
[tmp/release-shared-linux-g++/3rdparty/kernel/qmotifdnd_x11.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory
*               ERROR: Building Qtopia Tools has failed.


and more errors follow. It seems the X11 related files are not installed
in my version of Ubuntu Linux. Any clue ?

Rajesh Marathe.

Hi Daniel,

I stripped the \r characters and added a brief description to the patch
and uploaded it to the GPP (added a -1 to the filename).  I've updated
the qtopia.spec file and checked into CVS.

Thanks again for the patch.

Regards, Stuart

Stuart Hughes wrote:
Hi Daniel,

Thanks I'll take a look and apply accordingly to CVS.

Regards, Stuart

Daniel Widyanto wrote:
Hi Stuart,

Thanks a lot. Sorry if I cannot help much. The patch was based on
we had created to demonstrate our LPC3250 GUI capabilities on Linux
for a customer.
Another thing that we found was that the latest GLIBC fingerprint for
open() has changed. Hence it would break the Qtopia compilation.
there's a qtopia's tool, called pngscale, which suppose to run on
host, but linked to arm library instead.
Attached is the patch to fix those problems. I'm not sure how to
integrate it to LTIB package. Sorry. I should spend time with LTIB
more often =)


-----Original Message-----
From: Stuart Hughes [mailto:address@hidden Sent: Tuesday, August 25,
2009 4:22 PM
To: Daniel Widyanto
Cc: address@hidden
Subject: Re: [Ltib] qtopia package build failure while building ltib
from CVS (Savannah)

Hi Daniel,

I re-worked and build-tested your patch (imx27) and have checked it
to Savannah CVS.  Let me know if you think it needs any adjustments.
I've attached the patch/diff so you can see what changed.

Regards, Stuart

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