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Re: [Ltib] spoofing problem

From: Stuart Hughes
Subject: Re: [Ltib] spoofing problem
Date: Tue, 02 Feb 2010 14:26:21 +0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080707)

Hi John,

If that package uses pkg-config then you don't need to add any -I/-L
flags at all.

If not, then you'll need to add this: -I $DEV_IMAGE/usr/include/opencv
(files in rootfs/usr/include are automatically found by spoofing).

You do not (and should not) add -L/usr/lib to the link line, only -lcv (and any other libraries required. Libraries in rootfs/usr/lib are found already using the "spoofing" mechanism.

Regards, Stuart

john bougs wrote:
I'm not sure if I'm doing things right, but I am compileing have
added opencv to to my tlib install.  I am trying to make the file in
the "-m shell" mode,  but my (crude) c++ makefile does not seem to
spoof -I/usr/include/opencv/.  the unspoofed version works fine.  Am
I doing something wrong? How should I be doing it?

# the follow should be spoofed by tlib but does not..... why? #CFLAGS=-Wall -I/usr/include/opencv/ CFLAGS=-Wall
-I../rootfs/usr/include/opencv/ CXXFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) LDFLAGS=
-L/usr/lib -lcv -lhighgui

main: main.o a.o b.o

clean: rm *.o  main

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