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Re: [Ltib] SPI missing

From: Jorge A. Castro
Subject: Re: [Ltib] SPI missing
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2010 12:14:17 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100713 Thunderbird/3.0.6

Hi John,

Do you mean the device_table.txt file which is in ~/ltib/bin ? In that file I find

# SPI devices
/dev/qspi    c    666    0    0    126    0    -    -    -

and in the device_genromfs.txt


spidev0.0,c,153,0    spidev0.1,c,153,1    spidev0.2,c,153,2
spidev0.3,c,153,3    spidev0.4,c,153,4    spidev0.5,c,153,5
spidev0.6,c,153,6    spidev0.7,c,153,7

I now this is related but I don't know how exactly it is.

Thanks for your answer.


On 08/25/2010 11:32 AM, John Wissel wrote:
Try checking the devices file for you under your arch directory

On 8/25/10 12:14 PM, "Jorge A. Castro" <address@hidden> wrote:

Hi Kevin,

Thanks for your answer. I'm able to move to /sys/class/ and actually I found there spi_dev and spitest folders there, but nothing is in them. What can be happening?

address@hidden class]# ls
bdi           mem           ppp           sound         usb_endpoint
i2c-adapter   misc          rtc           spi_master    usb_host
i2c-dev       mmc_host      scsi_device   spidev        vc
input         mtd           scsi_disk     tty           vtconsole
leds          net           scsi_host     usb_device
address@hidden class]# ls spi_master/
address@hidden class]# ls spidev/
address@hidden class]#

Thanks a lot!!!

Best regards.

Jorge Castro

On 08/24/2010 06:16 PM, Kevin Wells wrote:

Hi Jorge,
<*>  Bitbanging SPI master

You can remove this (unless you’ve added the logic to support GPIO based SPI). There is no default GPIO setup for this in the 32x0.
You may need to manually create the device node. I use sysfs to determine the node numbers for the device.
address@hidden /]# cd /sys/class/spi_master/spi0/device/spi0.0/
address@hidden spi0.0]# ls
bus              modalias          spidev:spidev0.0  uevent
driver           power             subsystem
address@hidden spi0.0]# cat modalias
address@hidden spi0.0]# cat spidev\:spidev0.0/
spidev:spidev0.0/dev        spidev:spidev0.0/subsystem/
spidev:spidev0.0/device/     spidev:spidev0.0/uevent
address@hidden spi0.0]# cat spidev\:spidev0.0/dev
address@hidden spi0.0]#
Then I create the node…
address@hidden spi0.0]# mknod /dev/spi0 c 153 0
address@hidden spi0.0]# cat /dev/spi0
Maybe I’ll stick this in ./merge

From: address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden> [mailto:address@hidden] On Behalf Of Jorge A. Castro
 Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2010 12:51 PM
 To: address@hidden
 Subject: Re: [Ltib] SPI missing


Hi everyone,
I apologize for being so insistent, but someone can bring me any idea how to solve this. I'm not able to see any device node related to spi.
 Thanks a lot for any idea!
 Best regards.
 On 08/23/2010 11:32 AM, Jorge A. Castro wrote:

I had enable most of related with SPI in order to try to communicate to an specific module. I'm using Future Designs LPC3250 development kit.
Nevertheless, in the /dev/ I'm not able to see any node related with spi. What can i be missing?
This is what I get in the Configuration and the nodes in /dev.
Thanks for any help in this matter.
Best regards.
--- SPI support
        *** SPI Master Controller Drivers ***
<*>  Bitbanging SPI master
<M> LPC32XX SPI Controller
        *** SPI Protocol Master ***
<*> SPI EEPROMs from most vendors
<*> User mode SPI device driver support
< > Infineon TLE62X0 (for power swithcing)
address@hidden /]# ls dev
XOR                ppp                tty38
bus                ptmx               tty39
console            pts                tty4
cpu_dma_latency    ram                tty40
disk               ram0               tty41
fb                 ram1               tty42
fb0                ram2               tty43
full               ram3               tty44
i2c-0              ramdisk            tty45
i2c-1              random             tty46
i2c-2              sequencer           tty47
input              sequencer2          tty48
kmem               shm                tty49
kmsg               snd                tty5
log                tty                tty50
loop0              tty0               tty51
loop1              tty1               tty52
loop2              tty10              tty53
loop3              tty11              tty54
loop4              tty12              tty55
loop5              tty13              tty56
loop6              tty14              tty57
loop7              tty15              tty58
mem                tty16              tty59
mmcblk0            tty17              tty6
mmcblk0p1          tty18              tty60
mtd0               tty19              tty61
mtd0ro             tty2               tty62
mtd1               tty20              tty63
mtd1ro             tty21              tty7
mtd2               tty22              tty8
mtd2ro             tty23              tty9
mtd3               tty24              ttyS0
mtd3ro             tty25              ttyS1
mtd4               tty26              ttyS2
mtd4ro             tty27              ttyS3
mtd5               tty28              ttyTX0
mtd5ro             tty29              urandom
mtdblock0          tty3               usbdev1.1
mtdblock1          tty30              usbdev1.1_ep00
mtdblock2          tty31              usbdev1.1_ep81
mtdblock3          tty32              vcs
mtdblock4          tty33              vcsa
mtdblock5          tty34              watchdog
network_latency    tty35              zero
network_throughput  tty36
null               tty37


Jorge A. Castro
Canam-Technology, Inc.

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