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Re: [lwip-devel] ipv6 processing - Edge router implementation

From: Enrico Lehmann
Subject: Re: [lwip-devel] ipv6 processing - Edge router implementation
Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2012 23:20:43 +0200

> > My last question is about a (Border/Edge)-Router implementation. If I
> > remember right, last year you wrote you are working on such a IPv6
> > addition. Have you made any process there. Any input would be great.
> I haven't developed anything that could be added to the LwIP project at
> the moment.
> I am running an IPv6 system with 2+ netifs, on the one side I have
> Ethernet or WiFi, on the other side I have a Wireless 802.15.4 6LowPAN
> network. For the 6LowPAN side I have a separate module running Contiki and
> uIP, I coded a very simple netif that communicates with this module via
> SPI. This netif is very custom and about 100 lines of code so it is not
> worth contributing back.

So you working with 6LoWPAN? Thats what I'm working on :-). 
Your solution sound interesting, since you can use the Contiki 'all-in-one 
perfectly prepared for 6LoWPAN' solution. So your netif is a kind of 
transportation layer and Contiki, which includes a Border Router 
implementation, is doing the rest - nice idea.
I'm not using a 'dual-chip' solution. The Ethernet part and IEEE 802.15.4 is 
handled by one device. So it's easier to use just one IP-Stack and also to use 
this stack for Border Router and Router/End Devices. This makes configuration 
much more clear.

> I would like to at some point code a 6LowPAN netif for LwIP that would
> handle fragmentation and reassembly, but I haven't found the time yet.
I'm using such a 6LoWPAN solution supporting fragmentation/reassembly and 
header compression. This function is installed as ip6_output() for the 6LoWPAN 
netif. So any received wireless packet is going through the 
reassembly/header-compression part and than goes to ip6_input(). Any packet on 
Border Router which is destined to a wireless node is processed by ip6_input() 
and further processed by fragmentation/header-compression layer.

> Other than that, you can always use LWIP_IP6_FORWARDING and that has been
> working well for me.

In fact thats true - I already using that. But I was thinking of a 'real' 
Router which is capable to transmit Router Advertisements and process Router 
Solicitations. So I have to think about to implement such a solution - maybe we 
can support and share some knowledge to each other?!

> Cheers
> Ivan

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