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[lwip-users] Re: [lwip] Questions about CVS

From: Joe MacDonald
Subject: [lwip-users] Re: [lwip] Questions about CVS
Date: Thu, 09 Jan 2003 00:40:03 -0000

In message: Re: [lwip]  Questions about CVS on 09/05/2002 (Thu 08:56)
Mumtaz Ahmad wrote:

> Probably SCCS has to be licensed and CVS is free

Based on my experience with SCCS, the last time being nearly ten years
ago now, it was more closely paralleled by RCS.  SCCS is, as far as I
know, still property of AT&T, so the number of people who use it is
somewhat limited, while RCS implements most of the same commands in much
the same way and is (GNU-style) free.

Having worked at a company where we used RCS as our primary source code
repository, I'll tell you this:  the lock-edit-commit-unlock model
breaks down very quickly when you have more than a few people editing
the same code.  That's where CVS comes in, by trying to build on top of
already well-working tools like RCS, but adding in extra intelligence to
allow multiple users to edit the same files without (too much) stepping
on each other's toes.

Having worked at a couple of companies where we used CVS as our primary
source code repository, I'll tell you that it _also_ breaks down after
you get a certain number of people working on the same code, but that
number is higher, and the same problems afflict CCM, ClearCase and
SourceSafe, so in my opinion, CVS is the best choice for a low-budget
project with anything more than four or five developers.


Joe MacDonald
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