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Re: [lwip-users] a few questions about lwIP

From: FreeRTOS Info
Subject: Re: [lwip-users] a few questions about lwIP
Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2006 10:16:32 +0100

Dear guys;

I am working on an embedded system requiring a tiny implementation
of the TCP/IP stack. Searching in the Internet, I found uIP and lwIP
very useful for my case. As a result, I tried to study lwIP and uIP,
specially lwIP. After studying your documentaions ("Full TCP-IP for
8-bit Architecture", and "Design and Implementation of the lwIP
TCP/IP Stack") we tried to test your simple web server sample, but
facing a lot of errors both in Linking and Compiling phase. I'd be
very happy if you mention another example which uses lwIP APIs and
also has a simple structure. In fact, my main problem is how to use
lwIP APIs to write my codes.

Looking forward to hearing from you and best wishes,

Your best would be to start with a complete project that includes the lwIP source, rather than integrating the raw source code into a new project. This way you will have something that compiles and links already that you can then just modify to suit your application.

Try to find a project/makefile that already exists for your given processor or compiler (the FreeRTOS.org download include ARM7/GCC projects that include lwIP which may provide a starting point).


for Cortex-M3, ARM7, ARM9, HCS12, H8S, MSP430
Microblaze, Coldfire, AVR, x86, 8051 & PIC18 * * * *

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