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Re: [lwip-users] SemSignal gets called on a alreadysignaled semaphore

From: Matthias Weisser
Subject: Re: [lwip-users] SemSignal gets called on a alreadysignaled semaphore
Date: Thu, 31 May 2007 13:47:39 +0200

>>> "Goldschmidt Simon" <address@hidden> schrieb am 31.05.2007
um 13:06:

>> So, this means that lwip needs counting semaphores? If so 
> Yes!

OK. Thanks.

>> than I can use the semaphores of my OS (which are counting 
>> semaphores) but than I have still the problem of a lot of 
>> sys_sem_signal calls to a semaphore where is never called a 
>> wait for. So the semaphores value is incremented and 
>> incremented and incremented until it reaches a maximum value 
>> (which I can define in my OS) and then the OS reports the 
>> error. I can set the maximum to a very high value but that 
>> doesn't solve the problem.
> That's an error. I suppose something with your port, an initialization
> fault presumably...

My port consists of mainly the implementation of sys_arch.c and the interface 
to the ethernet chip (With a seperate rx task, interrupt driven). After setting 
up the ethernet chip I do the following operations to init lwip:

    IP4_ADDR(&gw, 192,168,1,11);
    IP4_ADDR(&ipaddr, 192,168,1,34);
    IP4_ADDR(&netmask, 255,255,255,0);
    tcpip_init(NULL, NULL);

    netif_add(&nif, &ipaddr, &netmask, &gw, NULL, ethernetif_init, ip_input);  

Anything missing?


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