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Re: [lwip-users] Out Of Order Sequence (Segments?)

From: address@hidden
Subject: Re: [lwip-users] Out Of Order Sequence (Segments?)
Date: Tue, 08 Apr 2008 19:51:07 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20080213)

Bill Auerbach wrote:
That sounds like a port or driver problem (or a bug I haven't

Or a PowerPC problem.  There is some kind of problem using a DMA channel to
copy memory from the TSEC BD pointer to data to my data buffer.  I know it's
hard to believe, but I don't have problems with a limited number of pbufs if
I use a software copy, or if I use DMA and have about 100 extra pbufs.  This
is the reason for the processor freezing with limited pbufs, *not* the OOS
list consuming pbufs.
I don't mean to offend you, but unless you have a custom-designed board, I'd first check the code that handles the DMA copy mecahnism before checking the hardware ;-)

Depending of the cache-line size, you might have to take care your pbufs are aligned accordingly (if cache lines are 16 bytes, pbufs must start at a multiple of 16 bytes and the length also must be a multiple of 16 bytes!). Without that, you risk data corruption when you invalidate too much (or too little) memory before copying or sending.

Should there be a #define and a test and for the amount of ooseq's to be
allowed to be buffered?  If not, what is a practical limit?
Your receive window (TCP_WND in lwipopts.h).

With 65535, that isn't easy to accommodate.  Is that number divided by the
MTU a reasonable estimate?  If there are so many out of order sequences, I
think I'll have bigger problems (like bandwidth).

What Jonathan meant is: there is no limitation in lwIP to limit the number of segments on the ooseq queue. It is only limited by the remote host not sending more (unacknowledged) segments thatn the receive window can take (configured via TCP_WND and sent to the remote host when establishing the connection). If 65535 is too much for your target, you probably should send TCP_WND to a smaller value: Keep in mind that (if you use the socket or netconn API), you have to be prepared to store the complete receive window in memory before the application thread processes it!


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