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Re: [lwip-users] exception in the second call to netconn_bind

From: address@hidden
Subject: Re: [lwip-users] exception in the second call to netconn_bind
Date: Thu, 05 Feb 2009 19:19:20 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20081209)

David Shmelzer wrote:
I converted all my code to netconn api and it works, but is a bit

If I wanted to convert it all to the raw API how do I send to the raw
API from a separate task? Can I safely call tcp_write from a separate task?

Absolutely not!

I noticed there's work being done on "locking" the core code to make it
thread safe. Is this safe to use yet?

That's another issue! To keep it simple, the core is not (and never will be) protected agains concurrent access (apart from the memory allocation functions). The locking you read about is just the method how higher layer APIs use the core. Until now, the core is handled from one single thread only (aka the tcpip_thread, because of the loop-function's name) and application threads using the socket/netconn API communicate with it through message boxes. Although Frédéric started another approach by taking a big lock when using the core functions, this is not really supported yet *and it will never be* for the raw API, I guess.

What you can do to use the raw API from another thread is to get tcpip_callback call a function (with void argument) in the core thread's thread-context. This is the same mechanism the other APIs use the core. However, you cannot mix the socket/netconn/raw APIs, and you should be aware that raw API callbacks are always called from the tcpip_thread.


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