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Re: [lwip-users] handle slow TCP handling

From: address@hidden
Subject: Re: [lwip-users] handle slow TCP handling
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2018 19:39:50 +0100
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On 27.11.2018 17:16, Pierre Chatelier wrote:

I have a question regarding the expected behaviour with lwip incoming TCP packets.

I have a my_tcp_recv_cb() callback that handles incoming TCP packets.
Usually, it just ends with
tcp_recved(pcb, p->tot_len);

However, if sometimes I do not have enough time or memory to handle the packet, I would like to tell "do not ack this one, please send it again later"
According to the doc (http://lwip.wikia.com/wiki/Raw/TCP), I understand that I should :

I didn' know that one. The wiki is not as well maintained as it should be, so it's always better to read the main documentation at http://www.nongnu.org/lwip/

    -call tcp_recved(pcb, written);//if I was still able to handle "written" bytes, and in that case obviously "written" is less than p->tot_len
    -do *not* call pbuf_free(p);
    -return an error (e.g. ERR_MEM)

No, you cannot combine "tcp_recved" with returning != ERR_OK. Because when returning ERR_MEM, the stack will buffer this pbuf and pass it back to you later. You'll end up with calling tcp_recved for some bytes more than once.

If there are no errors and the callback function returns ERR_OK, then it is responsible for freeing the pbuf. Otherwise, it must not free the pbuf so that lwIP core code can store it."

But in that case, it just starts to be a mess. Some packets begin to be delivered very slowly (1 byte at a time in pbufs!), and it does not seem to behave as expected.

Actually, that *is* expected. Returning ERR_MEM can only be the last resort. It destroys some TCP assumptions. You should rather keep the pbuf on a list for yourself and return ERR_OK and process it at some later time, calling 'tcp_recved' after processing it. This will send ACKs immediately (TCP depends on that) but the window will close and will be reopened for the remote host to send more once you called 'tcp_recved'.

If you can't buffer all pbufs, decrease your TCP_WND size.


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